Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Black Money are criminal money , should be deposited to state Treasury, should not be given any chance to transform to white for 10 % tax, Dr Golam Sarwar

Black money in Bangladesh or anywhere are Illegal money & these are ordinary peoples money  should not  be allowed to transform in to white money. These should be deposited in to State Treasury. Dr Golam Sarwar(sarwarnnj.blogspot.com)

Excessive wealth earned with in a very short period of time are Illegal without valid reasons. Acquiring excessive wealth  by self  or by family members  mostly by crooked & Criminal means  . These are Criminal /Illegal money. These money earned from " stealing from Bank  ,like Sonali Bank -Hollmark, Basic Bank, Destiny, Quick Rental,commission.Chadabaji, Shontrashi, Tenderbaji, Extortion, Land grabbing,Kidnapping, Murder contract,  Bribery, Illegal drugs and other various Criminal activities."These are state money.

These parties Awamileague/BNP  are creating opportunity for their activist to earn black money from Destiny, Holmark, Basic bank , ommission.Chadabaji, Shontrashi, Tenderbaji, Extortion, Land grabbing,Kidnapping, Murder contract,  Bribery, Illegal drugs and other various Criminal activities.These black money later transforming into white money. And these ministers are violently swearing at the media /Journalist reporters for highlighting / publishing these repots. These are our money . These Corrupt Politician are stealing our money and becoming millioniers overnight.

.Wake up honest politicians, Honest patriotic police RAB, we do not want to see these corrupt politicians and officials . They are sucking our money.They are using abusive , foul, explosive language and attacking  anyone who are talking about these crimes..These Corrupt/criminal  politicians very personal and purposefully Humiliating each other that negatively impacting our social dynamics. This is unacceptable. We do not want to see these two families and their criminal politicians.

There is no Opportunity to transform these Black Money to White money after paying 10 % tax.These Illegal , Black , Criminal money should be investigated and rescued and deposited in the State Treasury and should be used for ordinary, poor people's development project.

Dr Golam Sarwar( sarwarnnj.blogspot.com)

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