Israel/US Successfully divided the Muslim in to SHIA/SUNNI and put them to fight in the stadium and they are watching from the gallery.Stop fighting ,be wise & negotiate.Dr. Golam Sarwar(
Those who use force,fight, or those who promote , patronise, initiate, fighting for others wealth,land ,resources ,are one the wrong side of the Morale or Conscience.Those who profit from Arms , Drugs ,fight are equal and Immoral or Incivil side & their actions are all for wrong reasons .Obviously defending self & others from Criminal offence is a Moral Duty.
We human are committing so much atrocities ,even in recent memories , are all Immoral. We have seen an "Eagle was waiting to eat a dying boy from starvation. "The eagle did not eat the boy before its death because it did not want to cause more pain. But look at us Human they way we are killing each other form new born to old , from East to West, Africa to Latin America. Let us ask ourselves are we not worse than any living creature ???????.
Iraq was invaded for ? alleged Nuclear,chemical,Biological weapon ,nothing was found. Price is more than 461,000death bet 2003 to per academic study, University Researchers from US, Canada and Iraq.
During Invasion of Iraq Sunnis strongly resisted the invasion ,while Kurd welcomed it and Shia offered very limited resistance. Ever since Shia / Kurd were rewarded. Shia led Govt. of Nuri -Al-Maliki completely marginalised Sunnis and Shia gang managed to cleansed Sunnis from Baghdad.
Obviously all these Injustice done to Sunnis helped people to Radicalised and Radical elements got upper hand and receiving morale support for oppression & Injustice done to them.
Immoral! Injustice!!, Unethical!!!, Indecent!!!!,Incivil!!!!
Injustice, oppression, Atrocities, Sufferings, causing more radicalisation , and Politicians are responsible for that.
Shia & Sunni Muslims.: Before the death of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ,there was no Sunni, or Shia division. We have recently for the last 30 yrs seen violence between Shia & Sunni groups initiated in Pakistan .Israel/US/West successfully divided and brought this in media light over the last 30-40 yrs. Although I am a Sunni Muslim I feel sorry to say that most of these vioence had been initiated & committed by Sunni hardline group. Only recenly Shia are also seeking revange attack..These Sunni hardline fanatics initialy bombed,Shia Mosque, Shia religious gathering killing thousands of pilgrimage.These are the act of mad person in the name of islam.These may be partly from frustrations as faith in democracy remain weak in Pakistan especialy given the level of corruptions. In Bangladesh if politicians ,administrations remain corrupt ,democracy remain shaky,fighting between the major political parties continues these fanatics can also take the opportunity
Saudi Royal Fmily: Emergence of Current Saudi Royal family (Al-Saud) began in 1744AD in NEJD. They were minor tribal ruler.They are from non- Hashemite descendent who always persecuted Hashemite famiy (Prophet Muhammad SAW).Most of the Hashemite family were ousted from Mecca/Medina and modern Saudi Arabia.Today they have spread in Jordan,Iraq,Palestine,Yemen,Iran,India,Pakistan, Bangladesh,Afganistan,Egupt,Syria,UAE,Sudan,Turkey.
Wahhabi Hardline Islam: Very hard line (Hanbali) Salafi Islamic movement initiated in Saudi Arabia by Muhammad Ibn-Al Wahhab(1703- 1792). In mid -18th centuryThis Saud family joined with Salafi/Wahabi movement and aggressively expanding the power base in Saudi Arabia with the support of British against AL-Rashid (Hashemite descendents) of Ottoman Sherif. In 1916 British fought (WW1) against Ottoman helped and establish the current ruler of Saudi Royal family.Finaly in 1919 at the battle of Turabagh British helped current Saudi Dictator to defeat Hashemite descendent (Prophet Muhammad SAW descendent).Oil discovered in Saudi in 1928,by American Company.In Sept, 1932 Ibn Saud declared with the help of British/USA as the King of Saudi Arabia.In January 1972 King Faisal USA unlimited oil in exchange for military protection of his Kingdom.
It is sad those who chased and persecuted Prophet Muhammad SAW and his descendent are now pretending to protect holy place .??Is it for the sake of Islam or its kingdom."
Let us be Human as God/Allah has created us as human, and better than animals and far better than that Eagle who has Conscience , Morales, Decency.Let us help to build & save Civilisation not to destroy it. Let up help to punish Criminals where ever they are from , whoever they are , not favouring them against Decency.If not We will be held responsible at least to the moral Avenue.
Dr Golam Sarwar (
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