Sunday, 17 March 2013

Reconciliation and Political Reform in Bangladesh ,Dr.Golam Sarwar

Bangladesh is passing a very critical time now since its independence in 1971.Although unrest ,political violence is not new but worrying thing is that  it is getting worse day by day and in more destructive forms and the country is clearly devided with its history, its origin..Not all Jamaat-Shibir committed war crimes in 1971 but at the same time supporting the war criminals and protecting them by violence are equaly liable . Committing violence,destruction ,killing innocent civilians, burning innocent civilians houses including minorities contradict Islamic teaching .

Conspiracy theory ,damaging  the decent political culture that is affecting all aspect of our life ,sufferings  harming moral  integrity.

Our Politicians,Citizen ,societies as a whole have lost or Brocken it's moral in all levels including legal ,political and spiritual levels.The whole new relationships  need to be reimagined,reconstructed and configured.Political reconciliation cannot be achieved as long as there is an existence of political injustice.

According to Colleen  Murphy a Notre Philosopher a good political community "express  reciprocity and respect for moral agency" and the community has three characteristics: 1) The rule of law established, 2) Political trust and trust responsiveness are present,3) The citizen possess certain capabilities , morals .Lacking of these leads to the erosion of political society.

No society can claim to be free or democratic without strict adherence to the rule of law & there are mass atrocities ,crimes that have been so devastating that civilisation cannot tolerate their being ignored.Again Injustice,Impunity,Criminality has gone to such an extent that it is difficult to procecute wide ranging criminal activities happening in the society now.

 A nation born once and it should have one history one ideology.It is very unfortunate that Bangladesh is the only country in the world ,its politicians are deeply devided with its history .Bangladesh was born in 1971 but struggle started from language movement in 1948  when ,the  then Government ordained 'Urdu' as the sole national language.

We have to acknowledge all the leaders who were directly or indirectly involved  and participated in our struggle for Independence since 1948  like, Hussein Shaheed Suharawardy, Maulana Bhashani, AK Fazlul  Haq, Bongabondhu Sheik Muzibor Rahman,,Zia Ur Rahman,four National  leaders,our freedom fighters .They are all our history ,our pride ,national asset and  should not belong to any political party. Bangabondhu Sheik Muzibor Rahman is the Father of the nation

.Awamileague along with all other parties including some Islamic parties ,each and every citizen took part in our struggle against Pakistani Armies except Jamaat and its student forum Islami Chatra shogha who opposed our Independence and committed war crimes in 1971. So no single party can Capitalise our victory in 1971.Bongabodhu was the  leader and major party was his Awamileague,there is  no doubt about that.

Crimes, Murder of  opponent politicians,activist  ,impunity is a common practice now.No society can claim to be free or democratic without strict adherence to the rule of law.1971 war criminals remained at large for 42 yrs.  Political patronage of criminal activities and immunity from procecution is encouraging criminals to commit more crimes.We have to break the cycle of impunity.

What Jamaat can do in the name of islam we are seeing now.It may not be too late stop this country to turn in to Pakistan/Afganistan style violence.It  will not be good for any progressive society.Both BNP/Awamileague & progressive  civil societies  should think wisely before it gets out of control.

Following practice by our politicians can help to avoid worsening the situation or  help to overcome from current crisis.;

1) Our all leaders especialy Bangabondhu Sheik Muzibor Rahman & Ziaur Rahman should be in the history and respected accordingly, not to be locked in to a party room.

2) Judiciary,Security force ,Government official should be absolutely neutral .No Political party should politicized them after  forming a new  government.That will cause some group of people valnerable  to  injustice, & contradict democratic principles.

3)Political opponent  should not be harassed or convicted unfairely .A miscarriage of justice will only leads to its  recurrence .Society will loose its decency.At the same time corupt Govt.politicians shoulld be procecuted.Law should not be manipulated favouring  self group.

4)In a civilised society a Politician  change his/her approach and adapt himself in a decent manner  the way people like to see or hear .It is the responsibility of our ordinary citizen or civil society when our politicians are not responsible enough in their approach.

5) Current aim for a Tea table meeting between two leaders can only help the election process ,changing the government only ,it is not going to change political culture ,people perception or morale as a whole until they take initiative to change it. It is very important to find out way to accept one history of the nation.When society is deeply devided fanatics will  find way to disrupt the social integrity and threaten the national security .There is no doubt that parliament  election should be held under mutual aggreement.

6) Politicians elected for the people, by the people ,and to serve the people as a whole .They should not serve only a group rather entire community and should not incite hatred & violence against  opponent.

7) Politicians should help ,encourage their student & youth  organisation to gain knowledge ,build good morales rather than  involve in unethical activities like extortion or kidnapping, earning commissions ,actively participating  in trade & tender. Politicians should not   use them as  political muscleman.

8) It is the responsibility of our Islamic Scholars to teach  spread Islam through knowledge,justice ,morale & peace ,as our' World Ulema' said so that  party like Jamaat  cannot use islam unfairely  for their own political  purpose.

9) Party should not be banned according to religious line,rather  than their destructive actions that contradict our constitution and Islamic teachings.There are many Islamic party in Bangladesh but  only Jamaat unleashed bloodiest bout of violence,arson ,destruction in recent months .Government should take action against such party according to constitution.

10) Truth and Reconcilliation commission not similar to one formed in 2008 can be established containing representative from all parties including religious parties to investigate,any  incitement of religious hatred,or any other injustice,violence,atrocities  and procecute accordingly.

11) Hortal should be banned as it is unethical to disrupt the democratic right of majority  citizen.It is taking the lives of innocent people ,causing wide ranging destruction of properties, damaging export and economy as a whole.Definition of 'Hortal' has changed to "Political terrorism" from its earlier perception of 'peaceful protest'.

12)Threatening language when used against political opponents, security force, Government officials will bring more animosity,hostility and open enmity.Politicians should not overreact constructive criticism from opponents or civil society,rather  find out the problems and solve it.

13) Politicians perception of ' sitting in opposition bench is not honourable' should change . Culture of'  going to power or remail in power ' should end .Opposition should feel  proud  and should  contribute even to be in opposition & bring Govt in  to account.

14) Majority media are playing a significant role ,in making sure --the fact,truth and disclosure and  also visioning  & transformation from the reaction of the people.

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