ISRAEL is Grossly Violating International Law, Human rights by Continuos Bombardment of Hospitals, Disabled homes, Nursing Homes, Civilian houses Killing Disable Children, Children, Women, Elderly innocent from all wake of life & flattening the entire residential zones.
Dr.Golam Sarwar(
ISRAEL using Massive,Destructive ,Lethal, Un-parallel ,Heavy,Military forces against PALESTINE Killing Children,women, letting Blood time after time.Sad,sad,sad, where is world morales, conscience,decency. Can we not be better than that eagle who was waiting to eat the Starved boy to die first.
Brief picture: 8/7/14 to 13/7/2014 " Palestine Militant were sending Rocket to Israel, no Israelis were killed . Israel's Heavy bombing , killed >160 Palestine , mostly Children& women, "Some Horrible picture of dead Palestine child" Head blown, part of head blown, lower half of body blown ,limb blown,, dead mother with dead baby in womb with bullet wound, etc,etc,??? "A human cannot kill fellow human like this, Israel behaving like an alien killer force from different planet.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will ask Reader can judge that.
Where are the Human rights watch, where is UN,where are the international wise, , where are the World conscience ,why are you all letting this silent massacre. Is Genocide,War Crimes Democracy, Human Rights , Humanitarian law , Terrorism confined to some particular groups and denied others.Think wisely is it not destroying our Civilisation further.think, act wisely and help to rescue it and donot allow any Criminals to continue their Criminal Acts.
ISRAELI BLOCKADE OF GAZA" The blockade of the Gaza Strip refers to a land, air, and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip by Egypt and Israel from 2007 to present (June 2014).disproportionately disrupt civilian life, constitutes a breach of Israel's obligations toward Gaza's residents under international law. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says the blockade violates the Geneva Conventions.
Israel's military blockade of Gaza has left more than 1.4 million Palestinian men, women and children trapped in the Gaza Strip.
The impact of the siege on Gaza’s economy is starkly illustrated by statistics; for example, 34 percent of Gaza’s workforce, including half of its youth, are unemployed. Also, Israel restrictions mean that 35 percent of Gaza’s farmland and 85 percent of its fishing waters are totally are partially inaccessible. The restrictions on fishing have severely impacted the livelihoods of 35,000 while an estimated 75,000 metric tons of produce are lost each year because of the movement restrictions, according to OCHA.
'"The lack of essential imports
including raw materials, coupled with the ban on exports, has decimated economic activity in the private sector and resulted in the loss of approximately 120,000 jobs,” said UN report, adding that about 75 percent of Gaza’s population is food insecure due to soaring food prices, poverty and destruction of agricultural areas.
Mass unemployment, extreme poverty and food price rises caused by shortages have left four in five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. As a form of collective punishment, Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza is a GROSS violation of international law.
Firstly I Strongly Condemn Stone, Rocket throwing by Palestinian Militant ,but no language to condemn Israelis heavy Bombing , un-parallel Destructive force killing Disables Children,women, Elderly ,Innocent & continuous Land grabbing , using Destructive Military forces against Civilian by ISRAEL time after time since 1940.
We want to save the Civilisation or want to bring back for our future generation but do our world political, Religious leaders have any sincerity on that, SAD,SAD,,SAD.
when war broke out in 1948, drove almost a million of them from their homes and relegated those who remained to second-class citizenship.
We human are committing so much atrocities ,even in recent memories , are all Immoral,wicked,evil. We have seen an "Eagle was waiting to eat a dying boy from starvation. "The eagle did not eat the boy before its death because it did not want to cause more pain. But look at us Human they way we are killing each other form new born to old , from East to West, Africa to Latin America. Let us ask ourselves are we not worse than any living creature ???????.
1941-1948: 259 terrorist attacks by Jewish Terrorist Groups,1)Irgun,2)Stern Gang, 3) Haganah, 4)Carmel Brigade,5) Palmach.
1946 King David Hotel in Jerusalem were bombed & Blew by Irgun( Israeli Terrorist group ,whose leader was Menachem Begin & Yitzhak Shamir who later became Israeli PM , and received Noble prize for peace) killed 91 people mostly British delegates/Journalist. British branded them terrorist.
6/11/1940: SS .Patricia blown up by Jewish terrorist , killed 268 people,
6/11/1944: Jewish terrorist Stern Gang,assasinated British minister Lord. Moyne in Cairo.
1/10/1946: British Embasy was bombed by Jewish Terrorist ,Claimed by Irgun.
11/12/1947: Jewish terrorist threw bomb from a truck at an Arab Bus killing six in haifa. 12 Arab villagers were shot dead by Jewish terrorist in Haifa.
19/12/1947: Jewish terrorist group Haganah blew 2x houses in Arab village near Sadaf killing 10 Arabs incl .5 children, claimed by Haganah.
29/12/1947: 2 British Constable , +11 Arabs were killed at the Damascus Gate by throwing bomb from a taxi, claimed by Irgun.
30/12/1947: Jewish Terrorist Group, Palmach, & Carmel Brigade killed more than 60 at Balad arab village.
1/1/1948: Jewish Terrorist group Haganah attacked & killed 17 Arabs at Mount Carmel.
4/1/1948: Haganah Terrorist wearing British army uniform blew up Turkish Govt House killed 40 arabs.
15/2/1948: Haganah Jewish terrorist group blew up several houses killed 11 ,arabs incl 4 children.
3/3/1948 : Jewish Terrorist group Stern Gang drove Army Truck Bomb with 400 IB explosive, destroyed Arab owned Salam apartment killing morethan 14.
22/3/1948: Jewish terrorist group, Stern Gang drove a truck loaded explosives in to a housing block in Haifa killed 17.
22/3/1948: Cairo-Haifa Express was mined & electronicaly detonated ,killed 40 people.
9/4/1948: Jewish terrorist groups captured the Arab village Deir Yassin and killed > 200 people incl women children.
25/4/1948 - 13/5/1948:-- Wholesale looting of Jaffa (Arab city) by Jewist terrorist ,and destroyed everything that could not take with them.
1947-1948: 385 Arab Villages out of 475 , were bulldozed , ,700,000 Arabs were uprooted from their
These are only few examples what and how Jewish terrorist committed Genocide .there are more than 259 incidences.
PALESTINE CHILDREN: As per Prof Evan Kanter ,University of Washington found 69 % of children showed symptoms of PTSD, 40 % moderate to severe depression, 75 % showed limited ability to cope with their trauma.. These are because of Isralis invation offensive time after time.
IRAQI CHILDREN: 28% Iraqi Children suffering from PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) says Dr. Maliki ( Baghdad child psychiatrist).UNICEF 2003 report says "> 1/2 million in 2003, Iraqi Children are traumatised because of wars " in 2010 that increase to 3 millions .this figure again will be few times now( 2013) while writing this post.These are because of US/ Allied Bombing & imposed war .Now by local suicide bomber.
AFGAN CHILDREN: Dr .Claudia Catani prof of Bielefeld University ,published an Articles in the journal of traumatic stress "More than 50 % Afgan Children are suffering from variety of psychological disturbance including PTSD."
We have also Muslim Terrorist, Hindu Terrorist, Christian Terrorist, Buddist Terrorist , Nationalistic Terrorist. These are Evil forces. They use Religion, Groups, Race, Nationalism to commit violence and implement their own personal , religious belief & political agenda. That is SAD,GLOOMY,DISGUSTIC!!!!!!!!!!.
This is unfair ,unethical,immoral ,and destabilising for the societies ,that is taking the Civilisation in to wrong direction. Ordinary People are innocent and learn from media ,& change their perception. Media should play fairly , should not mislead ordinary Citizen. Terrorism is not the Monopoly of any religion, Bad guys are everywhere. Criminals are the worst enemy of Civilisation.
Israel still continuing to occupy palestine land & building new settlement and bringing more animosities among Palestinian. Isolated groups taking stone , bomb to defend their land , I strongly condemn any violence . But all Civil people should have realistic thinking themselves as other side of the parties and ask Conscience, or thinking law of the forces and jungle not logic.
Let us be Human as God/Allah has created us as human, and better than animals and far better than that Eagle who has Conscience , Morales, Decency.Let us help to build & save Civilisation not to destroy it. Let up help to punish Criminals where ever they are from , whoever they are , not favouring them against Decency.If not We will be held responsible at least to the moral Avenue.
Ensure that international law ,Humanitarian & Human rights should not merely be a paper , but a legal system that protects rights, establishes obligations and creates realities in accordance with its values and principles. Fail to achieve this, the ongoing Israeli disregard to international law in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict threats to undermine the legitimacy of this crucial legal instruments, human rights, humanitarian law and international criminal law. That is destroying our Civilisation.
Israel’s continuous and calculated strangulation of the Palestinian people must be properly challenged by the international community, and this challenge must come from an assessment of Israeli actions and policy through international law.
Is it not better to prosper economically , and acquire wealth by dignity ,where wealth acquire by force, grabbing others land or wealth ,is there any dignity there??."Might is right "it is the law of the Jungle in the eye of wise,Civil,& Decent. Robbing others property,wealth are the act of Criminal gangs.
Stop throwing Rockets to Israel & stop heavy indiscriminate heavy bombing in Palestine & Killing Innocent,Children, women,Stop Injustice. Lets have a Conscience , Morale, honest, sincere body who are not politically or religiously Motivated or affiliated and not favouring any particular group in this conflict or any ther conflicts. If this body are genuine and Morale all sides has to abide by it's Sincere judgement.
World big power is losing out the opportunity to save the Morales, Decency and Humanity of our civilisation. Let us ask ourselves what is logic & Justice and Condemn any form of violence , terrorism no matter how powerful they are.Let us help ourselves & build wealth and help others and not grabbing others wealth, let us condemn any form of terrorism, Let us solve problems by negotiation not by forces.We do not want any more destruction or wars, that will only take us backward, and loose whatever we earned.Let stop all madness and move forward save civilisation.
Dr Golam Sarwar (
Dr.Golam Sarwar(
ISRAEL using Massive,Destructive ,Lethal, Un-parallel ,Heavy,Military forces against PALESTINE Killing Children,women, letting Blood time after time.Sad,sad,sad, where is world morales, conscience,decency. Can we not be better than that eagle who was waiting to eat the Starved boy to die first.
Brief picture: 8/7/14 to 13/7/2014 " Palestine Militant were sending Rocket to Israel, no Israelis were killed . Israel's Heavy bombing , killed >160 Palestine , mostly Children& women, "Some Horrible picture of dead Palestine child" Head blown, part of head blown, lower half of body blown ,limb blown,, dead mother with dead baby in womb with bullet wound, etc,etc,??? "A human cannot kill fellow human like this, Israel behaving like an alien killer force from different planet.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will ask Reader can judge that.
Where are the Human rights watch, where is UN,where are the international wise, , where are the World conscience ,why are you all letting this silent massacre. Is Genocide,War Crimes Democracy, Human Rights , Humanitarian law , Terrorism confined to some particular groups and denied others.Think wisely is it not destroying our Civilisation further.think, act wisely and help to rescue it and donot allow any Criminals to continue their Criminal Acts.
ISRAELI BLOCKADE OF GAZA" The blockade of the Gaza Strip refers to a land, air, and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip by Egypt and Israel from 2007 to present (June 2014).disproportionately disrupt civilian life, constitutes a breach of Israel's obligations toward Gaza's residents under international law. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says the blockade violates the Geneva Conventions.
Israel's military blockade of Gaza has left more than 1.4 million Palestinian men, women and children trapped in the Gaza Strip.
The impact of the siege on Gaza’s economy is starkly illustrated by statistics; for example, 34 percent of Gaza’s workforce, including half of its youth, are unemployed. Also, Israel restrictions mean that 35 percent of Gaza’s farmland and 85 percent of its fishing waters are totally are partially inaccessible. The restrictions on fishing have severely impacted the livelihoods of 35,000 while an estimated 75,000 metric tons of produce are lost each year because of the movement restrictions, according to OCHA.
Impact on all aspects of life in Gaza
The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network noted in a statement this week that the blockade on Gaza violates an array of basic human rights, including residents’ “right to life, health, education, food, water, standard of living and adequate housing.”
The group adds: Israel by blockade of the Gaza Strip ‘economic warfare’ against the authorities in Gaza. these constitutes a form of collective punishment of the entire civilian population of Gaza and is in clear violation of international humanitarian law.”
Essential medicines stocks depleted
Meanwhile, Gaza has run out of 42 percent of essential medicines, the World Health Organization stated this week, adding that “Israel does not allow the Health Ministry in Gaza to send medical equipment for repair” — affecting the ability of Gaza’s health system to provide life-saving treatment.
'"The lack of essential imports
including raw materials, coupled with the ban on exports, has decimated economic activity in the private sector and resulted in the loss of approximately 120,000 jobs,” said UN report, adding that about 75 percent of Gaza’s population is food insecure due to soaring food prices, poverty and destruction of agricultural areas.
Mass unemployment, extreme poverty and food price rises caused by shortages have left four in five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. As a form of collective punishment, Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza is a GROSS violation of international law.
Firstly I Strongly Condemn Stone, Rocket throwing by Palestinian Militant ,but no language to condemn Israelis heavy Bombing , un-parallel Destructive force killing Disables Children,women, Elderly ,Innocent & continuous Land grabbing , using Destructive Military forces against Civilian by ISRAEL time after time since 1940.
We want to save the Civilisation or want to bring back for our future generation but do our world political, Religious leaders have any sincerity on that, SAD,SAD,,SAD.
when war broke out in 1948, drove almost a million of them from their homes and relegated those who remained to second-class citizenship.
We human are committing so much atrocities ,even in recent memories , are all Immoral,wicked,evil. We have seen an "Eagle was waiting to eat a dying boy from starvation. "The eagle did not eat the boy before its death because it did not want to cause more pain. But look at us Human they way we are killing each other form new born to old , from East to West, Africa to Latin America. Let us ask ourselves are we not worse than any living creature ???????.
1941-1948: 259 terrorist attacks by Jewish Terrorist Groups,1)Irgun,2)Stern Gang, 3) Haganah, 4)Carmel Brigade,5) Palmach.
1946 King David Hotel in Jerusalem were bombed & Blew by Irgun( Israeli Terrorist group ,whose leader was Menachem Begin & Yitzhak Shamir who later became Israeli PM , and received Noble prize for peace) killed 91 people mostly British delegates/Journalist. British branded them terrorist.
6/11/1940: SS .Patricia blown up by Jewish terrorist , killed 268 people,
6/11/1944: Jewish terrorist Stern Gang,assasinated British minister Lord. Moyne in Cairo.
1/10/1946: British Embasy was bombed by Jewish Terrorist ,Claimed by Irgun.
11/12/1947: Jewish terrorist threw bomb from a truck at an Arab Bus killing six in haifa. 12 Arab villagers were shot dead by Jewish terrorist in Haifa.
19/12/1947: Jewish terrorist group Haganah blew 2x houses in Arab village near Sadaf killing 10 Arabs incl .5 children, claimed by Haganah.
29/12/1947: 2 British Constable , +11 Arabs were killed at the Damascus Gate by throwing bomb from a taxi, claimed by Irgun.
30/12/1947: Jewish Terrorist Group, Palmach, & Carmel Brigade killed more than 60 at Balad arab village.
1/1/1948: Jewish Terrorist group Haganah attacked & killed 17 Arabs at Mount Carmel.
4/1/1948: Haganah Terrorist wearing British army uniform blew up Turkish Govt House killed 40 arabs.
15/2/1948: Haganah Jewish terrorist group blew up several houses killed 11 ,arabs incl 4 children.
3/3/1948 : Jewish Terrorist group Stern Gang drove Army Truck Bomb with 400 IB explosive, destroyed Arab owned Salam apartment killing morethan 14.
22/3/1948: Jewish terrorist group, Stern Gang drove a truck loaded explosives in to a housing block in Haifa killed 17.
22/3/1948: Cairo-Haifa Express was mined & electronicaly detonated ,killed 40 people.
9/4/1948: Jewish terrorist groups captured the Arab village Deir Yassin and killed > 200 people incl women children.
25/4/1948 - 13/5/1948:-- Wholesale looting of Jaffa (Arab city) by Jewist terrorist ,and destroyed everything that could not take with them.
1947-1948: 385 Arab Villages out of 475 , were bulldozed , ,700,000 Arabs were uprooted from their
These are only few examples what and how Jewish terrorist committed Genocide .there are more than 259 incidences.
PALESTINE CHILDREN: As per Prof Evan Kanter ,University of Washington found 69 % of children showed symptoms of PTSD, 40 % moderate to severe depression, 75 % showed limited ability to cope with their trauma.. These are because of Isralis invation offensive time after time.
IRAQI CHILDREN: 28% Iraqi Children suffering from PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) says Dr. Maliki ( Baghdad child psychiatrist).UNICEF 2003 report says "> 1/2 million in 2003, Iraqi Children are traumatised because of wars " in 2010 that increase to 3 millions .this figure again will be few times now( 2013) while writing this post.These are because of US/ Allied Bombing & imposed war .Now by local suicide bomber.
AFGAN CHILDREN: Dr .Claudia Catani prof of Bielefeld University ,published an Articles in the journal of traumatic stress "More than 50 % Afgan Children are suffering from variety of psychological disturbance including PTSD."
This is unfair ,unethical,immoral ,and destabilising for the societies ,that is taking the Civilisation in to wrong direction. Ordinary People are innocent and learn from media ,& change their perception. Media should play fairly , should not mislead ordinary Citizen. Terrorism is not the Monopoly of any religion, Bad guys are everywhere. Criminals are the worst enemy of Civilisation.
Israel still continuing to occupy palestine land & building new settlement and bringing more animosities among Palestinian. Isolated groups taking stone , bomb to defend their land , I strongly condemn any violence . But all Civil people should have realistic thinking themselves as other side of the parties and ask Conscience, or thinking law of the forces and jungle not logic.
Let us be Human as God/Allah has created us as human, and better than animals and far better than that Eagle who has Conscience , Morales, Decency.Let us help to build & save Civilisation not to destroy it. Let up help to punish Criminals where ever they are from , whoever they are , not favouring them against Decency.If not We will be held responsible at least to the moral Avenue.
Ensure that international law ,Humanitarian & Human rights should not merely be a paper , but a legal system that protects rights, establishes obligations and creates realities in accordance with its values and principles. Fail to achieve this, the ongoing Israeli disregard to international law in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict threats to undermine the legitimacy of this crucial legal instruments, human rights, humanitarian law and international criminal law. That is destroying our Civilisation.
Israel’s continuous and calculated strangulation of the Palestinian people must be properly challenged by the international community, and this challenge must come from an assessment of Israeli actions and policy through international law.
Is it not better to prosper economically , and acquire wealth by dignity ,where wealth acquire by force, grabbing others land or wealth ,is there any dignity there??."Might is right "it is the law of the Jungle in the eye of wise,Civil,& Decent. Robbing others property,wealth are the act of Criminal gangs.
Stop throwing Rockets to Israel & stop heavy indiscriminate heavy bombing in Palestine & Killing Innocent,Children, women,Stop Injustice. Lets have a Conscience , Morale, honest, sincere body who are not politically or religiously Motivated or affiliated and not favouring any particular group in this conflict or any ther conflicts. If this body are genuine and Morale all sides has to abide by it's Sincere judgement.
World big power is losing out the opportunity to save the Morales, Decency and Humanity of our civilisation. Let us ask ourselves what is logic & Justice and Condemn any form of violence , terrorism no matter how powerful they are.Let us help ourselves & build wealth and help others and not grabbing others wealth, let us condemn any form of terrorism, Let us solve problems by negotiation not by forces.We do not want any more destruction or wars, that will only take us backward, and loose whatever we earned.Let stop all madness and move forward save civilisation.
Dr Golam Sarwar (
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