Sunday, 22 December 2013

Prophet Muhammad SAW 'S Islam is Hijacked by Radical Fanatics Wahhab 's salafist & Maododi because of Western injustice Atrocities in Muslim Countries. Dr. Golam Sarwar

Prophet Muhammad SAW Islam is hijacked by few violent Radical Hardline Fanatics , followers of Muhammad Wahhab"s salafist & Maulana Maudodi  because of western Injustice and atrocities in Muslim Countries. 

Dr. Golam Sarwar.(

Prophet Muhammad SAW spread the Islam through knowledge,justice , peace and morales.His message to his countrymen was to convert from pagan polytheism to worship only Allah. People coverted to Islam by virtue of his teaching & logic.Islam does not support violence,hostility,hatred,discrimination,communal disharmony.Islam has spread though Knowledge,Justice and peace.Islam means achieving peace by submitting one's will to Almighty "Allah" .It promotes peace universal brotherhood among people.

Prophet Muhammad SAW applied the Quranic values of peace,Justice,freedom & Al-Shura or consultation equivalent to modern conept of democracy both in his life and as a ruller of Islamic state. Muhammad Al Wahhab (1703-1792)  with the help of Current Saudi Royal family Ancestor established the Fanatics trend of  Hanbali Islam ( now followers in Saudi,Qatar, Taliban).

In Quran ruller of Islamic societies or executive called "Olo Al AMR" & they are accountable to people.In Quran 4: 58-59 ,people should disobey the rulers who abandon Allah's messages such as peace.

Before Islam & Quran ,world were rulled by tribal ruller & wide ranging injustice in the societies.Islam clearly highlighted the importance of political concept of a form of Government and way of social life by 'Consultation or Islamic Shura' similar to  Western concept of modern Democracy.

In West US 16th President Abraham Lincoln after loosing lots of its soldiers in Gettysberg War declared on 19/11/1863 "All men are created equal ,liberty and equality for all, salavery should end .Government is of the people,by the people and for the people . "

 Although initial concept  of democracy originated During Alexanter era in 5000bc,but it mention only Elite group will govern the country no  ordinary people or women were not allowed to govern the country.

Islamic Scholars Md. Khurshid Ahmad 1932,wrote " When worldwide injustice, tribal ruller were rulling ,Prophet Muhammad SAW 's Islam  came operating through mechanism of Shura (Consultation) --supported by the principle of --1)Rule of Law , 2) Justice for all, 3) Equality and human dignity , 4) Accountabili

It is very unfortunate, some so called Muslims attacking, killing innocent people including fellow Muslims in the name of  establishing their own political ideology rather then the principles of Islamic teaching.Our Holy Qur'an says "killing innocent people is equal to kill all mankind and saving a life is equal to save all mankind (Sura Al-Maidah-5:30).

Unfortunately very hardline (Hanbali  now exist in Saudi Arabia, Taliban, Qatar) Salafi Islamic movement initiated in Saudi Arabia in 1745AD by Muhammad IBN -Al Wahhab (1703-1792).Their followers  are trying to spread Violence for the purpose of power grabbing."Mawlana Moudodi allegedly misinterpreted Central Islamic Beliefs in order to suit his own political agenda founded Jamaat-E-Islam in 1943 similar in line with Salafi / Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia both these contradict Prophet Muhammad SAW Islam.

Bangladesh is facing a real Danger of growing of opportunist  radical elements & disintegration of the country if democratic principle failed to establish.These terrorist Jamaat is not working alone , recently Pakistan has shown their real attitude of State sponsoring terrorism by passing resolution in the Parliament expressing concern over hanging of 71 ' war criminal Kader Mollah.In their resolution it said " This house expresses concerns over the execution of Jamaat -e-Islami JI leaders of Bangladesh Abdul Kader Mollah ,for supporting Pakistan and we give our condolences to his family and JI in Bangladesh . This house demands of the Bangadesh Govt.not to rake up the memories of 1971 and all cases against JI leaders (of Bangladesh) should be settled amicably."They also declared" Kader Molla is our soldiers",interior Minister Nisal Ali Khan said"It is a Judicial Murder."By doing this Pakistan now has accepted that they have committed Genocide & is a state sponsoring terrorism.

Pakistan never apologized  to Bangladesh for 71' Genocide .They remained silent  for the last 43 years  but now after convitiction of Kader Mullah by our Top Court they openly legalising their Genocide.They are not alone , Turkish current Govt.(protecting &promoting terrorist) who also committed Genocide in Armenia (1915) also supporting and backing this terrorist Jamaat along with ex-Egyptial Brotherhood Government( reasonably disciplined  no evidence of violent )and Saudi Autocrat Kingdom( clearly supporting/sponsoring terrorism even in 71'.).

West and Non-Muslim nation watching  ,they have done lots of damage by attacking Muslim countries , and inciting these hardline radicals . Some  are now enjoying massacre & destruction of Muslim world by these Mawdodi Terrorist  Jamaat/ and Hardline Wahhabi-Salafist groups. They are  burning Children,innocent in Public transport alive & indiscriminately killing innocent muslims by suicide bomb in Bangladesh. These are Criminal Gang, thugs .They have Hijacked The Prophet Muhammad SAW 'S peaceful Islam .

Pakistan Turkey, Saudi Arabia supporting ,patronising ,sponsoring these terrorist Act. These are the Chain of command Countries and on the field level Mawdodi -Jamaat & Wahhabi-Salafist continuing  Mercilessly and shamelessly their terrorist act  around the world.These state are in western term "State Sponsoring Terrorism". Identify these criminal thug and isolate them to save Prophet Muhammad's Peaceful Islam and  our Civilisation.


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