Monday, 17 February 2014

Population Anxiety/Depression more by unfair Bureaucratic Public Sector compare to Private sector .Save health budget by bringing fairness,Dr Golam Sarwar

Population Anxiety/Depression/Stress significantly from unfair Bureaucratic Public Employees compare to from negligible private sectors.Dr. Golam Sarwar.

Australia"s Public sector effectiveness ranked 9th amongst OECD nations in 2010 with total employee around 1.8 millions.Realily is any studies ,reacearch done  for public sector are by the public sector employees and funded by public money.My main intension to write this articles is to highlight the weak point of the public sector and its employees that can have better check and balance and can be rectified.Population anxiety ,depression, stress related to Bureaucracy sometimes unfair & sometime directed to revenue  grabbing intensions is costing  lots of health budget .Rectifying these can help to bring  up a healthier community and save mental health budget.

I have taken a sample of my patient who experienced different mental and psychological disturbances  some of these directly linked with public sector Injustice,arrogance,dictatorial attitudes.
Following are out of 102 patients----

1) Public sector related stress: City council officer attitude ,parking inspector, unfairTransport fines  ,  Faulty Speed camera fines, etc , Majority financial implications.--causing anxiety /stress 25 %
2)Marietal /Relationship stress : sometimes linked to financial burden causing anxiety/Depression --- 19%
3)loosing Jobs, every day extra  financial burden from accommodation, housing ,electricity,gas bills& other rising bills causing anxiety /depression -----22%
4) workplace bully/peer bully at school causing anxiety / Depression ---11 %
5)Traumatic Event /Accident/War trauma causing anxiety /Depression 6%
6)Others causing anxiety/Depression---24%

Now I am highlighting some of the injustice by the Public sectors.-----

"One of my doctor friend for the 2nd time paid & up-- myki card at the city ,doctor could not get out as the card was not working, inspector there took details and few months later sent  AUD 212/- fine. Doctor later sent an application for review with the ticket , receipt , proof of payment on that day but review officer declined application  on the ground it is it is individual responsibility to swaipe the ticket properly even though the doctor paid for the card that day.the doctor tried to talk to local MP office to let local representative know about the injustice. Office secretary told transport dept . does not waive the fine , better pay or seek legal representatives.The Doctor does not want to pay as it will give doctor amoral feeling of fare evader. So doctor hired a legal representative to get rid of morale burden as fare evader.Doctor awaiting for the verdict , I will update later about the verdict."I am pretty sure lot of people will not go through that expensive path , and transport dept also knows that and will leave every body judge this fact.

Ombudsman are very effective and prompt in dealing with private sector complaint but when it come s to Public sector complaint reality is very different.

"Resident of Reedy Creek ,vic Mr.Liam Sheahan was fined in 2002 for cutting tree in his property left emotionally and financially drained    but  in 2009 bush fire his property was the only left standing in 2 KM areas ,all his neighbour property was destroyed."There are hundreds /Thousands of incidence I will leave readers to comments."

Unfair Parking fines: Choice found  10 % of 1.6 million parking fines issued in Victoria between July 2007 to June 2008 were contested. Those contested 45 % were successful.As per NSW Treasury's office ,30% out of 81,236 parking fines appeals were successful.These are not easy process, lot of people does not bother going that path even though fines were unfair. Those who goes through these process develop some trauma and those who does not go through also feeling some pain because of unfair fines.  Those who gets unnecessary stress / trauma also tend to traumatise others ,it become a vicious cycle. Changing these culture can help to bring a healthy society. and help to save health expense.

Health Department: Australian Citizen , (with full General Registration/completed AMC) unable to work as a GP during the day ,where as Non-Citizen,Work visa,Visit visa ( no General Registration/no AMC) can work as a GP in all major metropolitan Cities in Australia.I will leave to my readers to judge this.No where  in the world its own Citizen are less prioritised, that is shame.I disagreed when QLD Health minister sacked the medical Board staff and appointed a Nurse as a Chair . May be he is right if it is  the sake of fairness but not for the sake of punishment.

My reader will agree with me ,Private sector employees are more soft & compromising  accountable to public compare to public sector ,because there are no Bureaucracy and they are very keen to keep up their reputations.All different Public sectors have association who are very keen to protect their staff irrespective of their wrong doing, that is not fair. Anyone doing wrong thing should face justice ,not to be protected by association,that is going to serve injustice to others and encourage more wrong doing and increase population anxiety, depression.

Politicians are the representatives ,directly elected by the people, they are accountable to the people and only they can address these issue at the Public sector Bureaucracy and help to build a healthy society.Because of the bureaucrats,public sectors employees has no accountability towards populations,they will  keep decorating the system as their  own choice. Time has come politicians should look into this.There should be Independent study about this , how much it is causing population suffering and how much money it is costing in terms of health budget.

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