Sunday, 10 November 2013

Win by heart not by war as one war creates another , save Civilisation by promoting Moreles,Decency & Justice by, Dr.Golam Sarwar


I have been tweeting following  to the politicians, religious leaders around the globe over the last few months.We are living in a very dangerous world . Many region of the world are facing atrocities ,Injustice,Drone killing innocent  women/ children sometimes in sleep, Terrorist bomb killing innocent Civilian  in Pakistan,Iraq,Afganistan,Syria,Bali,Norway,UK,USA.PersecutionTorture,secret killing of innocent civilians by state apparatus in many part of the world  creating  animosity. Targeting groups or religion unfairly by politicians/ Bias Media creating more hatred. There is nothing bad about any religion,it is the people who are doing the wrong things.Bad people are everywhere donot belong to any religion.It can be terrorist in Afgan/Pakistan/Iraq/Bangladesh/USA .We are seeing Terrorist Shooting school childern every months in USA.Let us build a dec ent,peaceful harmonious,society & mutual respect for the generation to come.

1) If we are serious ,sincere about saving  Civilisation we do not need Nuclear, Chemical weapons or Wars any where in our Planet. We hear lot of noise about some countries Nuclear programme while other producing & stockpiling Nuclear bomb without any objections. We have seen what damage   Nuclear  can cause in Japan 1945,Chernobyl,Ukraine 1986,Bhupal Gas ,India1984, Iraq, Syria.It should not be kept with anybody to be used once they failed in convetional war.We all can Judge others morales not self morales.

2)If we are Preoccupied with a Religion or groups  ,no logic will work to improve our perception.Preoccupied mind is vindictive.Some Western Media playing a major role in promoting negetive image about Islam .Groups of people, Some media are engaging in changing societies perception negatively about Islam .This is unfair ,unethical,immoral can destabilise the societies & Civilisation. Ordinary People are inocent  and learn from media ,& change their perception. Media should play fairly , should not mislead ordinary Citizen.

3) There are no room for terrorism & violence in Islam. It is the people who  are commiting terrorist act.We have seen some  western media trying to link a terrorist act committed by an individual or by a group with Islam to  undermine Islam and misleading ordinary citizens, that is very damaging for social harmony. Muslims are unfairly targeted in some western societies althought all Muslims strongly condemn any forms of terrorism as terrorist does not belongs to Religion. Bad guys can be anywhere in the world who promote violence.We can see everymonth  dozens of people are being  killed in US school shooting.Terorist killing in Iraq, Pakistan, UK,Bali,Norway,US,Russia are not isolated incidence ,these are all the act of bad guys ,nothing to do with religion.

4) You can be a winner/victorius by military  might or force or in the battle field with the expense of  bloodshed /Arsenals ,that is temporary but winning the heart & mind by negotiation ,mutual respect can be long lasting and does not need any  bloodshed or Arms. Try to Win by heart,not by force as it is taking the world in to more anarchy and social disharmony.

5) Definition of terrorism is perpective, even Egyptian Dictators in  july 2013  toppled a Democraticaly elected  Government(who got > 52% votes ) & declared the Brotherhood party as Terrorist organisation and banned them in 2013. Definition of terrorism should be universal & unique,  should not be Politicised or should not be used for purpose.
{NB: I am not a botherhood supporter but respect the democracy}

6)Lets  Build our planet from the scratch ,lets our Civilisation,House of Wisdom to flouish. Let us give strength & courage  to forget the past injustice ,lets help to heals  rather bringing  Animosities for the sake of Civilisation, to live Harmoniously ,Decently.

7)Wise opponents always better than  Criminals ,Hopeless friends. Lets stop supporting & strongly condemning Dictators, Autocrats, Authoritarian regime or Hereditary Authoritarian politics anywhere in the world because they are the enemies of Civilisation & Decency.They never allow House of wisdom to flourish and thus  gradualy shredding the Morales & Decency  from our societies.Lets help to Flourish The House of Wisdom.

8)All Societies are loosing good ,Moral ,decent citizen .If we fail to increase their numbers we will have a house with loose  or no foundation.

9) Human psychology is like physics .Hatred brings more hatred, Injustice brings more injustice.Lets help to do justice for all and help to bring decency, morales back in our societies.

10) Conscience ,Morales, Decency are shredding from our societies around the world.Societies are more depending  on law & order enforcing agency not the citizen morales or conscience.Countries that has good law & order thiving reasonably well,but where law & order exists poorly ,societies  are collapsing like Bangladesh,Burma,African countries.

11)There are no difference between  Drugs money or Arms money to prosper economicaly as both are equaly Immoral,Unethical,Indecent and only destroy our ciilisation.

12) There are people ,politicians around us  who like to  fight or incite fighting between  groups to take economic or political  advantage out of it ,these are Immoral.

13) Seniors ,Elders are well respected in some societies but not in others ,it may be part of moral devaluation & abusing the  freedom of speech.

14) World is full of people with deceit,lies,bias,greed,jealous,hypocritic,injustice ,criminal minds. People born as an  innocent but can transform  in to above in their lifetime ,probably facing the  injustice, changing their life & perception. If we want   to live in  decent societies  now & our generation  to come, we need to act decisively.

15)In this modern Digital Democratic world United Nation still not a fully democratic Institution. It should follow the democratic principles of one nation one Vote, not the few Nations controlling or manipulating world affairs. That is unjust  & contradict democratic principles

16) It is Hypocrytical to maintain ,supporting   Kings ,Dictators,Autocrats in some part of the world  and at the same time talking loudly about promoting Democracy in other part of the world.  ie Saudi Arabia, Egypt .Islam does not support Kings,Dictators,Autocrats, Hereditary Authoritarian Regime as these are against Civilization & Decency.

17) Oppression,Injustice,Detension,torture,Marginalisation of a group, Religion, inocent civilians are causing Radicalisation that is a dangerous trend for   Decency &  Civilisation. This  may be a deep political Conspiracy Theory.Think early before it gets too late to save  Civilisation.

18) It is Hypocrytical to fight against  terrorist , at the same time supporting and arming ,radical elements like in Syria,Lybia along with Saudi Arabia, Qatar.If you support  & supply arms to fight  against somebody ,they might use the same  arms towards you , that was proven. Stop supporting  or supplying arms to promote fighting against any Institution rather  help to solve peacefully or by negotiations.Arms/fighting are bringing more suffering to  innocent , women & children.Fighting does not solve the problem permanently instead it leaves  Scars and nidus for more fighting to come.

19) Human mind & psychology are very complex . They always try to dominate  & control others starting from  family, society, groups, spreading  to nationaly , Internationaly. They create new enemy to fight once destroy  the old one and look for another  one to fight. This is dangerous trend for Civilisation.

20) Earn Respect, dignity  by brain not by force, arms, arrogance as perception of earning Respect/Dignity by force is fake, like empty basket.

21) Best way to fight terrorism is to solve the root cause of terrorism and win the heart & mind of terrorist. Targeted killing of one radicals giving birth of many radicals , that trend destabilising some societies, we are witnessing that  for the  last 40 yrs & not bringing the decency in our societies.
22)Wise ,good, Genious , Decent  societies,Individual,Politicians always solve issues by negotiation but Bad,Arrogant, mentaly disturbed,psychologicaly imbalance try to solve issues  by forces,Mucle power, Guns, Violence, fight,wars.

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