Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Burning Children ,Innocent civilian in the name of Hortal Must STOP,Reject vindictive politician,Dr.Golam Sarwar

Burning Innocent Children , Innocent Civilian alive in the name of politics in Bangladesh is a  severe crime , all  our Politicians are equally responsible ,by ,DR.Golam Sarwar.

We have seen many incidence of use of Fire Bomb,Cocktails while people are travelling by BUS,Public transport in the name of Hortal, Burning to death inhumanly.It was very encouraging when we saw volunteers helped at RANA PLAZA, now it is hard to imagine there are people in our societies who can throw fire bomb in a BUS  loaded with  30-40 people  & burning them alive ( 12/11/13).This is not the only  incidence there are few dozens of  similar incidence .I will mention only few & way to overcome it. It is the ordinary people who are suffering & dying.So  all ordinary citizen stop supporting & reject these current trend of politics &  political parties .Look for alternatives leaderships irrespective of party line, who are honest, wise, with integrity& good track records .

12/11/2013 A bus full of passenger 30-35, suddenly set alight ,12 were seriously burnt anong with a 8 yrs old girl ,now fighting for life.

27/10/13: One of my distant relative on the way going to  work by bus .Suddenly the bus  came under attack of fire bomb.She was pregnant. The bus caught fire at the door. 4 were seriously burnt. Because of fire at the entrance of the bus ,passenger were jumping through the brocken window. My relatives  survived with  with multiple cuts  but lost her baby.lot of people were injured  from brocken glass cut & brocken legs.

11/11/2013: Criminal politicians  threw a fire bomb , set alight a  tempo with 8 passenger in it , all were seriously burnt fighting for life.

28/10/13: 13 yrs old boy sitting on a parked van suddenly  was set alight by picketers ,the boy had 90 % burn, cried continuously from pain  until death 4 days later.So many  other incidence where truck drivers, tempo, Leguna drivers were burnt to death . Sometimes attacking Bus / Car depot setting fire all the parked buses ,cars, truck.

So many fire bomb, Cocktail are being used everyday security services not able to catch them .Sometimes these were thrown in to some of the Ministers house ,sometimes Intelectuals like Dr.Piash Karim's house. Q???  we need to ask ourselves,who?

Govt.arrested some opposition senior leadership . Some Ministers saying "were arrested to prevent atrocities, "while  others  saying" they have involvement in some atrocities." Arresting them has not stopped these burning to death or  atrocities.  Hortal  & Authoritarian leadership & their political culture are responsible for these destructions. These so called Hortal should be banned permanently. When question aroused  BALeague strongly opposed that idea as they did the same & will do the same in future ,want to leave it open.

For the last 5 yrs   political  parties are  fighting for one single issue ""élection under Çare taker Govt,""  .Constitution is not 'Holy Quran' that it cannot be changed .It has been changed many dozens of  time since it was formulated in 1972,with lot of dhara, subdhara ,a,b,c etc,etc. Constitution is for the people ,people is not for  the constitution. When they talk about " election only be conducted  according to the constitution", looks like they only understand Constitution & Constitutional Expert  rest of the population are Donkey.

I had an opportunity to work as a doctor in a Burn unit. I have seen the burn victims  suffering, screeming for pain. IM/IV Morphine /Opiates are not good enough .Sometimes , they had to be sedated,or put into deep coma in ICU to ease  their sufferings.When we saw the RANA PLAZA disaster, we have seen how hundreds of volunteers stood by the victims and participated in the rescue opertions .We  were very impressed ,amazed  looking at our patriotic Citizen , at the same time it is breaking our heart looking at the  morales  of our politicians/ and their activist.

 This beautiful county has been destroyed by our Politicians greed. They all either want to go to power or remain in power by any means. The parties have Hereditary Authoritarian leadership.Political parties internal frameworks are undemocratic, Dictatorial .Party leaders are all in all, No checks & balance or accountability of the leaders.They have never  allowed to democratised our state institution. Nepotism, politicisation of State, Bureaucrats security ,Judiciary  has destroyed the backbone of democratic principle. They all created & helped to flourished muscleman who are responsible for controlling Govt Institutions ,Tender, Business,criminal activities  at every corner of  Bangladesh. Ordinary People are afraid of these Muscleman,They are helpless This has to stop. .Now student are running the tender ,political business because it is lucrative than  study.Overnight they became millionaires like Sohel Rana of Rana plaza.This country should not  be a grazing ground for few political muscleman or  political criminals . Security services need to use morales,ask themselves  ?? their moral responsibilities & start prosecuting  these criminals to build the nation from scratch

Recently BAleague candidate buying & submitting nomination papers  for coming Parliament election. All,saying" Jononetry,Primeminister,Bongabondhu konna Sheik Hasina will nominate me to serve the country.". Starting process is undemocratic smell like  political Business,  nomination business.These Ex- /Current  Smuglers, Criminals  with black money buying nomination ,investing millions to earn Billions.Why they have to be selected by party leader not by local members or councellors. In my another Blog I have mentioned about democratic principles, only  election reasonable fairly conducted rest , ie like judiciary,law & order for all,security,accountability of the leaders no longer exist in Bangladesh.

No where in the world professionals group like Doctors, Engineers,  Lawyers, Journalist, Business  representatives, Gov. officials,  openly devided into groups  and aggressively  participate  in politics  in line with political parties. It is very unfortunate whole nation is divided in to two force in line with major parties .Only  Millitary  & Police force have  yet to  participate in politics actively  in line with major parties. That will be a dangerous proposition.

This country belongs to 160 millions people.Do not let the politician to destroy the country further.They are there for to go to power or remain in power  only .We have given them 42 yrs, enough is enough  .Ordinary citizen need to think how to overcome out of this crisis.Only they can help themselves by Rejecting current political parties and its practices
It is ordinary citizen  who should take the responsibilities now.

1) People with integrity,honest, sincere , good track record  ,patriotic should come forward & participate in parliament Election irrespective of economic ,political ,social background and people should vote for them.

2) Central leadership should come from  our Civil society  people with  good morales & integrity should come forward .Civil society should mobilise and organise these peripheral  leadership.

3) Security services should play a vital role in maintaining law & order situation .Should  show  professionalism & morales to control these criminals and  get back the lost trust of the ordinary Citizen. Later they will be able to work together.

4)Professionals  like , lawyers, Journalists , Doctors, Engineers, Business groups, or others should stop forming parties in line with  political party line.They may have different opinion  but should not be biased or blind supporters,as it  can undermine their morales.

5)Bongobodhu  Sheik Muzibur Rahman and Gen.Ziaur Rahman   both are our  national heroes, should be in the history,history should judge them and be   respected  accordingly & not to be locked in to a party room.

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