Tuesday, 17 September 2013

India is taking Advantage of political infighting in Bangladesh over 40 years DR.GOLAM SARWAR


 Current Bangladesh AL Govt. are too eager & Enthusiastic to comply with Indian demands and expecting India would be kind  enough & do positively something in return, this is not diplomacy and  reality is opposite.After elected in dec 2008  , cabinet Ministers were chosen  mostly new &  inexperienced , sidelining senior mature politicians ??  Secret reason ,. Young Ministers are very happy with red carpet experience when they visit overseas, forget nations Interest .PM advisers were appointed especialy two  from overseas with  little or no roots in Bangladesh but , strong tie with India (Mr. Gauhor Rijvee & Mr Moshiur Rahman).These 2x advisor to PM are in charge of the Transit Corridor Deal ,mislead the country & seriously compromised national Interests.? secret reason  for this appoinment  ?is it easy to implement  any projects that is favourable to India,ie Transit & other issue ? likeTipaimukh dam/Teesta issue. Mr.Ershad marched  towards Syhlet against India's  Tipaimukh Dam project  but after visiting India he & opposition BNP leader  believed India would not take any steps on Tipaimukh Dam that would harm Bangladesh ( paragph. 31 of jt. communique).It is true Bangladeshi Politicians are no match to Indian skilled politicians in term of diplomacy.
Political infighting continuing since 71, '"house of wisdom"" could not flourish, diplomatic capabilities remain weak.

We have to ask , do we have real democracy  ,or democraticaly elected Govt. under "Autocratic or Authoritarian power". In democracy following  must be ensured ie'"Rule of law &justice for all, individual Liberties,,Transparency, Accountability of rulers, individual Freedom, opportunity for all". None of these exist in Bangladesh . Our Judiciary, Govt institution Security services politicised .Muscleman like RANA PLAZA are now controlling every corner of the country ,manipulating & controlling justice ,security, govt. tender sometimes,killing & escaping justice. 20 yrs ago people were concerned about Govt. officials / Bureaucrats corruption ,now that is hidden by Politicians and its subsidiaries massive corruptions .They do not like to hear civil societies Criticism of their wrong deeds.They stop them by swearing unprofessional language. Similarly using Very unprofessional laguage back biting in and out of the Parliament, undermining the honour of Parliament. Do we consider them to be role model?.

We are creating new problems (5th ammendment about care taker issue ) .Two parties cannot solve one issue for more then 4 yrs and still fighting for one  issue ,and ignoring major issues including International  for the last 40 yrs We forget "Constitution is for the people ,not other way around"  . Burma started exploration of oil & gas within 50 nautical miles south-west of St Martins ,Thanks Navy/UN/AL stop that  but INDIA still continuing drilling  of Oil & Gas  within our maritime boundary .

What  India  receiving from Bangladesh:(2 xPM agreements  6/9/2011)
*Transit Corridor (over Bangladesh )via river /roads using Ashugonj  :From Kolkata (India) to Tripura (India) using Ashugonj  and Chittagong port for same purpose.
(Indian/Bangladesh PM signed 15  agreement in 2010/2011 ,1,2,3 agreements about Transit for India.).
*Bangladesh will assist Indian Security Forces ,in suppression of insurgency movement in  India seven sister States ,hand over insurgent.(in agreements 11,12,13).

*Bangladesh AL Govt. filled up Titas River in Bangladesh to transport 300 Tonnes Indian trucks.This is causing not only  causing destruction of the environmental & ecological system in Bangladesh but also posing serious threat to Agriculture & Fisheries.Few lac people unemployed now.It is rare any country in the world could do this.

What is Bangladesh getting :
*India will allow some Bangladeshi products entry in to Indian markets without any duties.
*iNDIA will allow Bangladesh to use Tin Bigha Corridor 24/7 to Dohogram/Angarpota.

During INDIA/BANGLADESH PM  meeting ,media were told there  will be Teesta water sharing agreement.Last moment  our Water resource Minister/Foreign Minister/Finance Minister were very vague & did not know that Mamata Banerjee was not coming 30 mins before Indian Delegates arrival.
But in No: 10  says Both countries would conduct joint hydrological observation for water sharing treaty of Teesta & other rivers.

We have seen our Ministers were very enthusistic during Mr . Manmohan visit in /9/2011, but reality is India has proven itself  as very unfair & selfish and greedy.We want a good neighbour and bilateral friendship at the same time we want our politicians to be highly skilled ,diplomatic in dealing with neighbours.

What India did/doing  to us:
Obviously helped us during 1971 ,we are grateful  for that but last 40 years they have done as follows:
1)In 1972 Bangabondhu requested India to use Calcutta port for only 6 months ,as Chittagong port was not usable due to sinking of ship, but India REFUSED.
2) In 1996  India agreed ,Bangladesh can use its 16 miles road for trade with Nepal but stopped after one  day.
3)India has constructed Barbed wire fence covering 3,406 km border( largest in the world) within 50metres of international piller violating international border Act.Only Israel has done that to Palestine.
4) Constructed secretely Farakka Dam, when known said it will test run only for 40 days  ,now going forever and never shared water fairly.
5)They have not stopped there , continued  to stopped  other 54 rivers  by Barrage/Dam virtualy making Bangladesh river dry, causing Ecological disaster.

6)When Bangladesh political parties are fighting for going to power or remain in power, India/ Burma took the opportunity to control of our Sea drilling Oil & Gas reserve within our marritime boundaries., although some credit to AL govt ,some Burmese occupation given back to us mediated by UN  but Indian Occupied part remain still under their control.
7) Continued BSF killing of poor cattle traders :  We have seen how Felani 16 yrs girl was tortured & killed ,later acuited the killer.Video footage showed BSF  beating poor Bangladesi to death,sometime 4-5 BSF beating a civilian, another seaching pockets for money.Sometimes raping women before murder.These acts are like Robber /Bandit /Criminals  & failed to prove themselves as trained professionals.940 Bangladeshis  killed since 2000,220 during current AL Govt.

8) Phensidyl  & at least 32 different unlawful drugs are coming under the nose of BSF destroying our generation.  Recently we have seen 17 yrs old   girl Oishee brutaly killed her parents under the influence of Drugs.50 lac Bangladeshi addicted to Phensidyl  Addict spending TK 7 Billion /year .Along the border area inside India there are 32 Phensidyl Factories in full operational ,under the nose of BSF, although BGB requested BSF to take action.

9)DG-BSF announced they will run DRONE in India/Bangladesh border.like US using DRONE in Afganistan/Pakistan border, also Israel using in Palestine ,sometimes indiscriminately killing women,children . US/ISRAEL using DRONE in war Zone .

10)Indian Lorries carrying heavy equipment passing from Ashugonj to Agartola breaking the serial, while Bangladeshi truck carrying exportable goods from Bangladesh to Tripura state are required to wait.In near future Bangladesh will lose its manufactured goods  export  to seven sister states.,Assam,Tripura.

11)India is spending 120 Billion USD in a >10 years project to divert flow of water from Brammaputra to 40 new  canals in India.That will cause 65% of  Bangladesh land to dried out ,was acknlowledged  by  New Delhi University water researcher  Prof.Vijah Paranjpye . We will see the effect after 10-15 yrs.

Political infighting in Bangladesh since it was founded in 1971, helping   India to implement all their projects going unhindered & unnoticed, Silently.It is also true our Hereditary Authiritarian regime never allowed our house of wisdom to flourish, that limited our diplomatic capabilities.

2X Adviser to PM in charge  Md .Moshiur Rahman & MR. Rigvee of negotiation on the transit Corridor have  mislead the country & seriously compromised national interests.
Mr . Moshiur Rahman said"We cannot ask any transit fee from India because we are not Uncivilized".Mr.Gauhar Rizvi said"We have been waiting for 40 yars for such a deal"surprise???.It is very confusing that they are appointed as Bangladesh PM adviser.

When India refused us to use their  KolKatta  port for 6 months ,Declined us to use their 16 miles land road to Nepal,now Encircling Bangladesh with Barbed wire fence,shamelessly  expecting us to give them Transit,filling our River with soil for passage of their 300 tonne truck.And Bangladesh has given that. Is it not like South African SAFARI where "Encircling the Jungle with birbed wire  & visitors passing through it "

In Bangladesh Anti-Indian  are too anti  & failed to do diplomacy in the past ,and Pro-Indian are too pro they forget national interest.Over the period of time we heard our pro-politicians comments that frustrate .AL LGRD Minister replied journalist question about border killing by BSF" These are small matters ,killing happened before,will coninue to happen,we are not concern about it , we have other big job to think about."Another MP Mrs Nazma Akhter said in a talk show about Drone ,"It is absolutely wrong  information there will be no Drone along our border "strongly defending  India & rejecting Maj Gen Shakhawat Hosain's (ex- election commissioner)  evidence based statement of DG-BSF.

We want friendship not dispute with any neighbours, but it should be based on on equal respect &  opportunity in all fields.Trust and friendly relationship comes more productive if bilateral affiliation builds in mutual respect & equal opportunity.But problem is India does not hold equal policy mindset towards Bangladesh.India took the opportunity  of our internal political culture.Also most Govt including Miitary  failed to understand exact national policy also two poitical dimention, Pro-India/Anti-India .Pro-India shows excessive friendship ,forget our national interest.Anti-Indian also too anti but fail to do diplomacy.

Dr G , Sarwar

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