Sunday, 15 May 2016

Treason must be dealt harshly Dr Golam Sarwar(

Treason must be dealt harshly Dr Golam Sarwar(

Removing a Government by violence ,with the help of Foreign spy agent ??,states is causing destruction in SYRIA,LIBYA and elsewhere.This is treason must be prosecuted with full force of law.These are treason.We do not want to see Bangladesh turn into Syria,Libya where so called opposition (Terrorist) ,Islamist (set up terrorist ISIL,Wahaabi-Al-Kaeda,Al-Nusra whose leaderships are convert Muslims ,killing muslims by suicide bomb to purify Islam SAUDI Kingdom whose ancestry are from non-muslim background are funding these terrorist groups) destroyed these countries with the help of foreign agents, states.You know who are they.

Time after time these terrorist coming in different forms , either in the name of Islam WAHAABISM,ISISL,SAUDI,ALKAEDA,AL-NUSRA ,Maudodism as it is easy to convinced majority iliterate muslims to motivate in the name of religion. These are the organisation created by the foreign power ,its leaderships are very intelligent convert muslims,sometimes non-muslims hiding their identity .these leadership are very intelligent and using or brainwashing muslims to promote violence, to kill muslims in the name of purification of Islam.This is not Holy prophet Muhammad PBUH 'S Islam.

Deep conspiracy, these Saudi are Querish/Zionist decent whose ancestor  were persecuting, tormenting Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH  and his followers during his lifetime.Saudi kingdom was founded with the help of British in  a conspiracy theory and ousting Gov. Ahmed Sharif & Prophet Muhammad PBUH real followers.This  SAUD king a Quyrish & Zionist decent packed with Muhammad Wahaab ( grandfather was zionist)  ,invented Wahhabism and  succeeded in establishing Extreme ideology of Wahhabism(1744 AD) in Islam with the help of western protection in 1932 AD established Saudi Arab(  named after the then tribal leader SAUD).

They have manage to convince illiterate, ordinary people of  their extreme Wahaabist ideology and succeeded to establish these extreme Wahhabism(contradict Holy prophet pbuh Islam) in Islam  by FATWA,time after time in order to systematically destroy Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH Islam 

Dear fellow Human ,,Dear fellow brother and sisters of all Muslim Ummah ,Dear fellow brother and sister of this human planet , wake up against these conspiracy against Islam and humanity and Identify these criminals , and unite against these criminals.These criminals do not have anything to with Islam of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Treason must be dealt harshly Dr Golam Sarwar(

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