Tuesday, 1 September 2015

"SAUDI,TURKEY,QATAR, ITS MASTERS "Where are you Saudi/Turkey/Arabs ???,

"SAUDI,TURKEY,QATAR, ITS MASTERS "Where are you Saudi/Turkey/Arabs ???, what happened to your masters ???, You promoted, incited,armed Syrian and bringing total Chaos, destruction,these people are dying helplessly in the sea, ,putrified inside big van ,????? why you are not helping them, why ????  German, Greece,Italy are only extending their arms to help them.Go and do some god deeds!!!!!!!!!!>

"SATANIC ACTS" in SYRIA,LYBIA,YEMEN by Terrorist, Jihadist, Convert muslims, suicide bomber, Promoted and patronised funded ,trained  by SAUDI,TURKEY,ARABS advised & supervised  by its masters. Syrian,Libyan self destruction tragedy unimaginable, unthinkable, promoted by SAUDI/TURKEY and its masters, now it is your responsibility to rehabilitate these people.

Dr.Golam Sarwar

Turkey, Saudi Arabia , you & your masters are responsible for destruction of Syria,Yemen,Lybia . You are promoting , patronising for regime changes by civil wars, violence.You are supplying arms to the Ordinary people there to fight against it's Government.

These are again lesson for other countries do not try to take arms against your   own government ,own police own security, own army.Try to solve issues by negotiation.Do not listen to foreign conspirator ,they will destroy your country like Syria,Libya .There is no bravery in fighting ,because wise do not fight themselves rather they hire criminals to fight for them. Without critical thinking you will easily fall to prey to outsider's conspiracy theory.

I do not like an undemocratic regime but this is not the way to remove a regime . These Syrian Oppositions, Jihadist,ISIS are simply nothing but  criminals thugs,bandit .Those Syrian who supported these criminal gangs and thought arms struggle, violence is the only way to remove a regime are proven wrong after 4 yrs .Because you have given a bad name to Syrian, Libyan and  other arabs  that you are fighter, violence seeker,Thugs, Bandits, Criminals,Indecent ,self destroyer ,untrustworthy,in the eye of world community.

Few of you furnished the reputation of entire Syrian, Libyan,and Arabs. For World decent community  it is hard for them to trust you  ,because you can easily fall  to prey to outsiders conspiracy theory and start self destructive..

You are responsible for mass exodus, people are fleeing these countries because these countries are not liveable.You are responsible for people drowning in the sea. You are responsible for people are dyeing and putrefying  inside unventilated truck.You are responsible for previously wealthy educated women are forced to prostitution for survival.You are responsible for breaking each and every family apart  and making their children  Orphan and begging on the street for food.We could not  believe these unimaginable can be a reality in Arabs.

I am talking to SAUDI,TURKEY and other Arabs where are you ,atleast help,shelter,feed whatever left, because you and your masters are responsible for these criminal acts.

Dr. Golam Sarwar

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