Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Germany,Greece ,Italy thank you for showing decency,compassion & dignity for fellow human,for helping these Syrian , we must remember your contribution as a responsible nation. Dr.Golam Sarwar (

Germany,Greece ,Italy thank you for showing decency compassion & dignity, for fellow human,for helping these Syrian , we must  remember your contribution as a responsible nation.

Dr.Golam Sarwar

I feel sorry for you Syrian, Libyan, Yemeni,Rohingya ,Gazan for your sufferings.I am very sad as a fellow human because we are  unable to respect you as  human. I feel guilty because you are taking a risky and dangerous journey to escape  SAUDI,TURKEY,QATAR,ISRAEL,USA,UK and others made civil wars, forced to persecution and we are silently watching your misery .

You, and your children are dying in the deep sea, because of fellow human created this. You are locked inside and suffocated and dying  inside the un or under ventilated lorry/truck/Boats,  where animal carrying trucks are well ventilated than yours and your dead bodies are found when putrefied.I feel guilty that you(Rohingya's and others) are starved to death in boats and fellow human does not want to feed you or accept you. Sometimes fellow human pushing your boat further away into deep sea to let you die silently outside media. Obviously there are criminals Human trafficker  taking advantage of your situation.

I feel sorry you Syrian,Libyan,Yemeni because who put you into this position, who( SAUDI,TURKEY and their masters) armed you , those who trained you( SAUDI,TURKEY,QATARI, and their masters) to fight your own Syrian Army to topple Bashar's Government.I feel sorry for you Syrian  because those who( SAUDI,TURKEY & its masters ) put you into this situation, who armed you and help you to  destroy your entire country,  a country of 4000 yrs old civilisation when some of its masters were not born yet.Those  who are responsible for  your misery &  death of so many people ,who are responsible for  so many Orphan,so many women  forced to live  on prostitution,  these SAUDI,TURKEY & it's masters are not beside you in your tough time or in your misery.

These SAUDI,TURKEY & its masters  are not providing you any shelter  or rescuing you from deep sea or providing foods for you but very keen to sell arms to you and let you to destroy in fighting. Some of them are pushing your boat away into further danger or sometimes putting and lock  you into  detention centres in inhuman condition, in the hand of Rapist,Psychopath, Criminal guards to  face further dehumanise,rape,sexual assault etc .These detention centre guards are immune from prosecution or escaping justice because these countries are not treating you as human. No international justice systems can touch these criminals and you are dying , and your body,mind decaying silently out of media.

Germany announced will accept 800,000 refuge,Iceland are taking refuges, Brazil,Venezuela  announced they will accept you ,we fellow human believe they are real human, real hero.Greece, Italy are trying their best to help fellow decent human can do although rest of the EUROPE are refusing to accept or silent to help you or Slovakia announced will accept 200 but not Muslims.

I personally thank to GERMANY,GREECE,ITALY,BRAZIL,VENEZUELA for generosity &  showing human decency  and I request to all refuge to remember , be grateful to GERMANY,GREECE,ITALY ,BRAZIL,VENEZUELA who have extended their arms in this difficult human misery.These countries who extended their arms to help,accept and showed humanity did not incite this destruction but those who created these destruction are not showing any compassion.

Germany,Greece ,Italy,Brazil,Argentina, Venezuela and others thank you for showing decency & dignity for fellow human,for helping these Syrian .I am not from these victim countries but my heart  is going for the victims around the globe . we must  remember for the contribution of these nations,its citizen and fellow human  being who are  working day and night to ease the sufferings of these people.I personally salute you all decent hello human.

Dr.Golam Sarwar


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