Destroy The Criminals ,Kidnapper , Murderers, Politicians Corrupt Chain of command before they target You. and bring decency ,save Civilisation. Dr Golam Sarwar(
A former /truck helper/bus conductor for 25 yrs, Nur Hossein ( AL panel Mayor Narayan gonj) .He joined JP in 1988,BNP in 1992,AL In 1996 . He ? Paid 6 cr Taka to RAB to murder 7 people in Narayangong , God father is Shamim Osman .Sohel Rana of Rana plaza from street vendor to millioniers , these are the people all over the country roaming around us kidnapping us and killing us.These are the criminal , Corrupt , Immoral Chain of command , enough is enough we have to destroy them otherwise I will be the next target of these Kidnappers, Criminal politicians.
I agree "Joz Mia "is in our political culture , that theory is not new. As long as these corrupt Chain of Commands and Culture exists that includes (Govt ,politicians, police and other Security agencies,Judiciary, Bureaucrats ) there will always be "Joz Mia theory ".Joz Mia" Theory is to cover up everything and that's why first thing they do, once going to power is reshaping the entire Security, Police Rab ,Administration , Judiciary & Bureaucrats . That involve wide ranging irregularities and Nepotism . Once their terms finishes bulk of these criminals leave the country and return once again time is favourable . NBR or Anti-Corruption Commission never be able to touch them.These are repeating for the last 43 yrs .Our majority of Journalists are trying to bring credible news, I salute them.
Even 71 ' war crime tribunal , sometimes verdict or implementation of the verdicts are very slow , and remain silent unnecessarily for a long time ,other time sudden verdict. !!! Looks like political order is pending for the Verdict to be delivered .We are waiting for 5 months Dec 2013 to MAY 2014 no verdict or implementation of verdict.
As soon as 7 people were kidnapped & murdered( 30/4/2014) in Narayangonj, Top Govt. pilitician even PM were saying "BNP did it from frustration as they could not go to power." Another Minister said" we are lucky kidnapping murder are less than previous govt" dep home minister said" no need to worry ". Ex - Home minister said " Rana Plaza collapsed because BNP/ Jamaat activist were shaking the Building " how silly !!!!.They are concluding, and commenting evry time before investigation . Does it mean they know everything what happened.That is very unethical , Immoral , Unfortunate.No where In a Decent society politicians are engaging with blame game all the time. Our politicians levels of Decency has reached to Unethical ,amateur ,cowboy standard and very raw, that you cannot find anywhere in the world .Very painful to see our politicians standards . That's why we need to destroy these Corrupt/ Criminal / Immoral chain of command before they destroy US .Dr G Sarwar(
A former /truck helper/bus conductor for 25 yrs, Nur Hossein ( AL panel Mayor Narayan gonj) .He joined JP in 1988,BNP in 1992,AL In 1996 . He ? Paid 6 cr Taka to RAB to murder 7 people in Narayangong , God father is Shamim Osman .Sohel Rana of Rana plaza from street vendor to millioniers , these are the people all over the country roaming around us kidnapping us and killing us.These are the criminal , Corrupt , Immoral Chain of command , enough is enough we have to destroy them otherwise I will be the next target of these Kidnappers, Criminal politicians.
I agree "Joz Mia "is in our political culture , that theory is not new. As long as these corrupt Chain of Commands and Culture exists that includes (Govt ,politicians, police and other Security agencies,Judiciary, Bureaucrats ) there will always be "Joz Mia theory ".Joz Mia" Theory is to cover up everything and that's why first thing they do, once going to power is reshaping the entire Security, Police Rab ,Administration , Judiciary & Bureaucrats . That involve wide ranging irregularities and Nepotism . Once their terms finishes bulk of these criminals leave the country and return once again time is favourable . NBR or Anti-Corruption Commission never be able to touch them.These are repeating for the last 43 yrs .Our majority of Journalists are trying to bring credible news, I salute them.
Even 71 ' war crime tribunal , sometimes verdict or implementation of the verdicts are very slow , and remain silent unnecessarily for a long time ,other time sudden verdict. !!! Looks like political order is pending for the Verdict to be delivered .We are waiting for 5 months Dec 2013 to MAY 2014 no verdict or implementation of verdict.
As soon as 7 people were kidnapped & murdered( 30/4/2014) in Narayangonj, Top Govt. pilitician even PM were saying "BNP did it from frustration as they could not go to power." Another Minister said" we are lucky kidnapping murder are less than previous govt" dep home minister said" no need to worry ". Ex - Home minister said " Rana Plaza collapsed because BNP/ Jamaat activist were shaking the Building " how silly !!!!.They are concluding, and commenting evry time before investigation . Does it mean they know everything what happened.That is very unethical , Immoral , Unfortunate.No where In a Decent society politicians are engaging with blame game all the time. Our politicians levels of Decency has reached to Unethical ,amateur ,cowboy standard and very raw, that you cannot find anywhere in the world .Very painful to see our politicians standards . That's why we need to destroy these Corrupt/ Criminal / Immoral chain of command before they destroy US .Dr G Sarwar(