Recent Western Slogan " All Terrorist are Muslims but not all Muslims are not Terrorist"That's Immoral,Incivil,Humiliating & I strongly Chalange with evidence.
Dr Golam Sarwar (
Terrorism is not the Monopoly of Muslims ,it is happening in all religions and everywhere.Jewish ,Buddist,Hindu,Shiek,Christianity..My aim here is to highlight the western Politicians and its Media unfaily labelling Muslims as terrorist & trying to humiliate,denigrade The Islam for ? deep seated Religious/political reason and vote box.
Holy Quran say" Killing innocent people is equal to kill all mankind and saving a life is equal to save all mankind"( Sura Al-Maidah-5:30).Unfortunately There are very tiny minority Hard line Fanatics trying to spread violence for political purpose,that is contradicting Prophet Muhammad SAW 's Islam who spread the Islam through knowledge,Justice ,peace annd Morales.
Terrorism Has various definitions . Its definition keep changing according to geography and historical facts and it is perspective.
According to oxford English Dictionary " The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and Intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." Unfortunately Oxford Dictionary changing its meaning all the time too.
No Religion promote violence, it is the bad guy in every religion who promotes and patronise violence with the help of Politicians for their political gain.
Few examples of Religious terrorist act:
1941-1948: 259 terrorist attacks by Jewish Terrorist Groups,1)Irgun,2)Stern Gang, 3) Haganah, 4)Carmel Brigade,5) Palmach.
1946 King David Hotel in Jerusalem were bombed & Blew by Irgun( Israeli Terrorist group ,whose leader was Menachem Begin & Yitzhak Shamir who later became Israeli PM , and received Noble prize for peace) killed 91 people mostly British delegates/Journalist. British branded them terrorist.
6/11/1940: SS .Patricia blown up by Jewish terrorist , killed 268 people,
6/11/1944: Jewish terrorist Stern Gang,assasinated British minister Lord. Moyne in Cairo.
1/10/1946: British Embasy was bombed by Jewish Terrorist ,Claimed by Irgun.
11/12/1947: Jewish terrorist threw bomb from a truck at an Arab Bus killing six in haifa. 12 Arab villagers were shot dead by Jewish terrorist in Haifa.
19/12/1947: Jewish terrorist group Haganah blew 2x houses in Arab village near Sadaf killing 10 Arabs incl .5 children, claimed by Haganah.
29/12/1947: 2 British Constable , +11 Arabs were killed at the Damascus Gate by throwing bomb from a taxi, claimed by Irgun.
30/12/1947: Jewish Terrorist Group, Palmach, & Carmel Brigade killed more than 60 at Balad arab village.
1/1/1948: Jewish Terrorist group Haganah attacked & killed 17 Arabs at Mount Carmel.
4/1/1948: Haganah Terrorist wearing British army uniform blew up Turkish Govt House killed 40 arabs.
15/2/1948: Haganah Jewish terrorist group blew up several houses killed 11 ,arabs incl 4 children.
3/3/1948 : Jewish Terrorist group Stern Gang drove Army Truck Bomb with 400 IB explosive, destroyed Arab owned Salam apartment killing morethan 14.
22/3/1948: Jewish terrorist group, Stern Gang drove a truck loaded explosives in to a housing block in Haifa killed 17.
22/3/1948: Cairo-Haifa Express was mined & electronicaly detonated ,killed 40 people.
9/4/1948: Jewish terrorist groups captured the Arab village Deir Yassin and killed > 200 people incl women children.
25/4/1948 - 13/5/1948:-- Wholesale looting of Jaffa (Arab city) by Jewist terrorist ,and destroyed everything that could not take with them.
1947-1948: 385 Arab Villages out of 475 , were bulldozed , ,700,000 Arabs were uprooted from their
These are only few examples what and how Jewish terrorist committed Genocide .thesre are more than 259 incidences
Hindu Terrorist Groups: 1) BJP, Bharatiya Janata Party 2)Abhinav Bharat,3) Hindutva.4)RSS-Rashtriya,5) Shiv Sena,
Indian Gonvt . figures: 65 terrorist groups operating in INDIA itself: Assam 11, Meghalaya 4,Tripura 2, Nagaland 4, Manipur 34,Jammu & Kashmir 5 .
Genocide against muslim minorities in 2002 in Gujrat by Current BJP leader N Modi (going to be PM of India. ) ,official figure 792 muslims killed ,Thousands womens were gang raped ,100000 made homeless.
29/09/2008: Malegaon Bombing in Gujrat ;by Shiv Sena killed 8 people
18/05/2007: Mecca Masjid (Hyderabad ) Bombing: 14 muslims were killed while praying. inside the mosque.Hindu Terrorist RSS group were involved.
2007: Samjhauta Express Bombing: 68 people were killed by Hindu Terrorist Group Abhinav Bharat.
11/10/2007: Ajmer Sharif Dargah Bombing: bombed by Hindu Terrorist Group "Hindutva"&"Rastriya"
1970,s 1991-1993,: SHIV SHENA responsible for Bombay Riots, killing,burning ,looting of muslims properties
HINDU TERRORIST : 1984 committed Genocide against Sheikh 3000 sheikhs were murdered,burnt alive, gang raped. after the assasination of its PM Indira Gandhi (Involved officials were Kamal Nath,Jagdish Tytler, Sumedth Saini,KPS GILL,Sajjan Kumar, Amitabh Bacchan).
HINDU TAMIL TIGER TERRORIST group: Assasinated Indian PM Razib Gandhi (21/5/19 91)',Srilankan EX-President R,Premadasha(1/5/1993)This Terrorist group funded by Hindu Tamil Expatriate, and generated millions of Dollars for their terrorist activities. They killed estimated 100,000 people bet 1982 -2009.
HINDU TERRORIST: 1992 after planned destruction of Babori Mosque settting of violence that killed >2000 people mostly Muslims.( under the leadership of L K ADVANI,BJP).
SIKH TERRORIST : Assasinated Indian PM Indira Gandi in 1984.
Buddist Terrorist Groups.: --1)969 in Myalmar,2) DKB Army,3) Bodu Bala Sena BBS(Srilanka)
2012 ,by 969 in Myanmar :===Buddist Monk Ashin Wirathu formed a group called' 969' ,systematically continuing Genocide against Muslim Minorities under the protection of Millitary Junta & Security forces. Myanmar Local Media promoting,& Inciting these Genocide.(The Guardian UK, 14/8/2012 ,published 1000 muslims killed ,displaced 100000 people out of their land, 1 day before. The Telegraph wrote.HRW(Human right watch found 4x mass grave) .
2013 ,By BBS in Srilanka :===Mob of hundreds of Buddists attacked Muslims owened retail chain , shops,
Non -Muslims Carried out more than 90 % Terrorist attack in USA bet 1980-2005.. Of more than 300 killed by terrorist, post 9/11,only 33 killed by US-Muslims. As per FBI report, 1/5/2013.
USA: ====19/4/1995 OKLAHOMA City bombing , truck loaded with explosives, killed 168 . Initialy media pointed finger to Muslim Terrorist, later identified 2x Christian Timothy & Terry did it.
UK:======IRA( Catholic group), 1800 killed , mulitiplr Bombing over 30 yrs.
USA=====School shooting is common in USA/CANADA. In 2014 1st 6 weeks ,13 school shootings were recorded,Dec 2012 to early 2014 ,total 44 School shootings.These are commited by Christians
Christian protestant Groups "Ku Klux Klan( KKK) : Committed terrorism 1865-1877,intend to "Reestablish Christian values in US" at any cost.
USA: 5/8/2012:=White Supremacist Wade Michael Page killed 6 six sikh mistaking for muslims.
RUMANIA==: Orthodox Christian groups, Iron Guard & Lancieri 1941 killed 125 jews.
NORWAR:==," Christian Cruseder" 'Anders Behring Breivik'killed 77 Muslims , was motivated by anti muslims Bigotry.
AFRICA:== Christian terrorist group LRA( Lord Resistance Army) Anti-Balaka targeting & Cleansing Muslims in CentralAfrican republic.LRA committed mass killing, atrocities,kiddnapping of 139 school girls in Abokein,Uganda in, 1996 .
I n 2008 Christian Terrorist group LRA, Massacred at least 143 people and Abducted 180 at Concert sponsored by Catholic Church in Democratic Republic of Congo.
INDIA: ==In Tripura ,India NLFT: 20 Hindus were killed by NLFT in 1999/2001
In Manipur: 'Nagaland for Christ' carried out ethnic cleansing of Kuki tribes ,lead to 900 dead ,1992-1993.
Some Western Media playing a major role in promoting negetive image about Islam .Groups of people, Some media are engaging in changing societies perception negatively about Islam .Not only in west ,other countries like Myanmar, Sri- Lanka, India, Africa etc capitalising these also and targeting minorities.Obviously majority times media are playing very positive roles.
Media sometimes publish report that they have received information about possible terrorist attack by Muslims .Sometimes after a lone derailed Muslim fanatics terrorist attack media linking all these with Islam/Muslims , ordinary people on the street get more desperate & start using more explicit racist slur,making Demeaning , Derogatoray ,Denigrading swearing language.Muslims women wearing Hijab & men with beard face the most of it.If you are in a society and scared to move out freely is not decent civil society and harmful for civilisation. I will request Media & politicians to think about it for the sake of Civilisation.
If you are Preoccupied with a Religion or groups ,no logic will work to improve your perception.Preoccupied mind is vindictive.
This is unfair ,unethical,immoral ,and destabilising the societies ,that is taking the Civilisation in to wrong direction. Ordinary People are innocent and learn from media ,& change their perception. Media should play fairly , should not mislead ordinary Citizen. Terrorism is not the Monopoly of any religion, Bad guys are everywhere.These Criminals are the worst enemy of Civilisation
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