Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the best,wisest,knowledgeable ,pious and his life and way became the model for all muslims and collected by all scholars into what is known as Hadith. After the death of Prophet Muhammad SM ,Hazrat Abu Bakr SM was nominated as 1st Kaliph followed by Omar RWD,Uthman RWD, Ali RWD ( cousin &son in law of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).Shia muslims around the world believe Hazarat Ali RWD as Prophet's (SAW) only succesor.
'Sharia' guideline of muslim life in all aspects according to 'The Qur'an' & Haditha(the record of action &saying of prophet Muhammad SAW).
Sharia law deals----- , Familys life( Marriage,divorce,Custody,Inheritance,)
-------Finance,Banking( forbidding the paying or charging of interests,),bribery,capitalism,excessive profit investing in brewery or casino prohibited.
8 Islamic countries launched the service board Islamic finance,to set common standard for Islamic Banking.( Malaysia,Indonesia,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Pakistan,Sudan,Bahrain,Kuwait.)
-------Crimes,-Murder,theft,robbery, Rape.
-------Dress code, Hygiene.
Hadd crimes are Adultery oe Zina /Sedition,/Apostasy/Alcohol/Robbery/Theft/
For Adultey: for married peron stonning to death, for unmarried person: flogging , whipping: Robbery: For Murder punishable by execution or exile or blood money. For theft
; Amputation.
Quran insists on strict evidentiarystandard, not applied in case of doubt.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the best,wisest,knowledgeable ,pious and his life and way became the model for all muslims and collected by all scholars into what is known as Hadith. After the death of Prophet Muhammad SM ,Hazrat Abu Bakr SM was nominated as 1st Kaliph followed by Omar RWD,Uthman RWD, Ali RWD ( cousin &son in law of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).Shia muslims around the world believe Hazarat Ali RWD as Prophet's (SAW) only succesor.
'Sharia' guideline of muslim life in all aspects according to 'The Qur'an' & Haditha(the record of action &saying of prophet Muhammad SAW).
Sharia law deals----- , Familys life( Marriage,divorce,Custody,Inheritance,)
-------Finance,Banking( forbidding the paying or charging of interests,),bribery,capitalism,excessive profit investing in brewery or casino prohibited.
8 Islamic countries launched the service board Islamic finance,to set common standard for Islamic Banking.( Malaysia,Indonesia,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Pakistan,Sudan,Bahrain,Kuwait.)
-------Crimes,-Murder,theft,robbery, Rape.
-------Dress code, Hygiene.
Hadd crimes are Adultery oe Zina /Sedition,/Apostasy/Alcohol/Robbery/Theft/
For Adultey: for married peron stonning to death, for unmarried person: flogging , whipping: Robbery: For Murder punishable by execution or exile or blood money. For theft
; Amputation.
Quran insists on strict evidentiarystandard, not applied in case of doubt.
Islam hates Violence, Racism,Greed,Exploitation,Inequality
Followings are major schools of law: For Sunni Islam : Hanbali/Hanafi/Maliki/Shafi'i
For Shiite School: Ja'fari.
Hanbali School followers: Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Kuwait,Bahrain ,some syria,& Iraq/Afganistan(Taliban)
Hanafi School followers:
Most liberal in Egypt,India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Turkey,Balkan,China,Europe, central Asia.
Malike School followers: North Africa, Tunisia,Libya,Algeria,Morocco.
Shafi'i School followers:Indonesia,Malayasia,Brunei,Yemen, Srilanka,part Syria.
Jafari School followers: Iran
Government Strictly under Sharia Law: Saudi Arabia,(Under Monarch no election & no women representatives), Islamic Republic of Iran(under supreme council of Mullah ,there is democraticaly election process & women representatives in parliament.)
Iran: In the Islamic Republic of Iran the state affair shall be administered as voted by the people, through election of President ,Representatives of Majlis,(National consultative Assembly), Members of the council. Anti-Blasphemy laws in Irans Constitution is punishable by Death sentence.
Saudi Arabia:Monarchy is the system of rule in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia .Its rulers of the country shall be from among the son of the founder king Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman al-Faisal al -Saud and their descendent .This contradicts Qura & Sunnah traditions.
It has Blasphemy law in its constitution , punishable by death sentence.
King & Dictators often behave and are treated as GOD,People are treated less equally,sometimes before whom people had to bow down, that is Un-Islamic.
Holy Quran disapprives of monopolistic control of wealth & Power . In 59:7 it states how to use the wealth that God bestows on the Prophet and then says" This is in order that (wealth
) may not become something that goes round and round among the rich in your midst"
Elections provide a way of avoiding monopolistic control of political power helps in the wider distribution of wealth ,this is the principles of Islam
Islam is official religion & Sharia is the source of law: Kuwait,Bahrain,Yemen, UAE.
Egypt:In Constitution , Article 2 "the principles of Islamic law the main source of legislation,"recently added new rules to strengthnen Islamic Sharia at the same time guranteed practice of 2 religion like Christianity& Judaism.Now Islamic party Muslim brotherhood,& its Islamic ally in power by an election process.They developed over decades by forming charity & support groups that have existed with in the mosque. These charity networks provided support to tens of thousands of poor & lower middle class ,helping like cost of marriage the daughter, assisting cloths books for the poor children,paying for mass 'Haj'.
Islam & Election:
Egyptial Ulema never raised their voice saying that election is Un-Islamic and such Conservative Islamic group Like Salafi Islamic movement, Ikhwan Al- Muslimin have participated in Egyptian parliamentary election, Salafi movement got 2nd position in recent Egyptial parliament election.. In North America Pro-Saudi ISNA& ICNA are run by a regular & general elections.Many mosque & Islamic groups choose its direction by regular elections.
Holy Quran says that the believer affairs are run by Shura(consultation) among them.Election provide a way of conducting Shura in the important matter of choosing Ul-At-AMR.
Most Muslim countries where election helds as a form of changing Government ,smaller Islamist group campaigns for scraping of democracy & election alltogether saying it is "Un-Islamic", ie in Pakistan, Afganistan,Indonesia, Bangladesh. We have seen in recent Pakistan Election very small fanatics group sent suicide Bomber ,indiscriminately killed civilian including Candidate in some instances.This is not Islam, These are not the act of healthy brain or mind. This is power greed,they do that because they know ,they can never go to power via elections.
Turkey:Traditional Islamic law was abolished officialy during Mostafa Kamal Turk rule and replaced by secular law They regarded religion as an anarchronism & closed all religious schools.Now Justice & Development Party ( JDP) an Islamist Party in power with popular support & democratically elected by the people,trying to bring Islamic value.Islamic Scholars & Pandits labelled Turkey a "Moderate Islamist" country .Turkish political frame cannot be entertained under a Sharia Law rather under a Secular law with religious freedom.
Its Blasphemy law in Constitutions section 216 punishable by maximum 3 yrs in jail.
Wheather it pertains to moral ,social ,political issue , most importanly the party expresses its disclosure in line with the attitude expressed by muslimist in balancing state, society& individual choice.It articulates freedom within a liberal state,thus appealing to Muslimist. Muslimism cracks between Islamist & Secularist.For example within the Muslimist frame being veiled or devout no long prevents womenfrom promoting womens right, becoming active in voluntary association, owing business,prefering career over marriage.
There are similaries between Egypt Brotherhood party& Turkish JDP parties,they both initialy formed charity and support network to win the heart & mind of the people.They are both very peaceful Islamic parties and never committed violences. While In Bangladesh Jamaat -e Islami has similars finacial institution and support base but its reputation is very poor as a violent party like there role in past and present especiallyin 1971.Recently Hefazot-E-Islami came to spot , but its support base mostly among Orphan Madrasaha student ,that is run by Charity ,they donot have strong social support base like Egypt Brotherhood or Turkisk JDP.
Pakistan: Pakistans legal system based upon common law of England and Wales.It has Blasphamy laws , punishable with death or life imprisonment for offences like desecrating Holy Quran or derogatory remarks about Holy Prophet, or Caliphs or companions (Sahaabas) in its constitution , section 295 & 298.
Bangladesh: Secular law based upon British Laws.There is no seperate Blesphamy laws in Bangladesh.Altough under section of Bangladesh penal code (1860) ,any person who has a "deliberate" or" malicious "intention of " hurting religious sentiments"is liable to punishment.Recently Hefazot E-Islami organised a mass rally in Dhaka for Blesphamy law ,that ended with unknown number of death by security forces.Few blogger wrote derogatory comments about Islam & Prophet (SAW) ,that is not freedom of speech.Offending & hurting others faith is not freedom of speech, there is a clear boundary that we should not cross.
Malayasia:The constitution of Malaysia provide Secular laws in Criminal & Civil maters , Sharia law apply only in muslims personal maters ie, marriage, inheritance, and apostasy.
Salafi Movement:
Revivalist movement of Islam initiated in Saudi Arabia by Muhammad Ibn-Al Wahhab (1703-1792).
It is a very conservative religious reform movement with in Sunni Islam , Extremely puritanical, strongly reject Suicide Bombing or violence. In Egyptian Parliament Election it got 2nd position after Islamic Brotherhood party.But Salafist in Tunisia, Libya, Syria ,Morocco,Algeria and other Arab countries does not have service infrastructure & business network similar to Muslim Brotherhood or Salafi in Egypt and has 3 broad groups : Non-Violent Salafi,Violent Salafi, Jihadist against Authoritarian regime.In Syria Jihadist even taking arms from Israel to fight fellow Muslims prioritising politics over religion.These Authoritarian regime should have some reforms in political systems to contain uprising long before.
Violence &Terrorism: There is no place of terrorism or violence in any religion. Terrorist does not have any religion . Those who commit terrorist act are psychologicaly or mentaly derailed,they donot have any insight.
We have seen recently in Syria opposition including ,hardline Islamist fighter, Salafi movement getting arms from Isralel and its friends with the strong backing of Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia to fight against it felow Shia Muslims dominated Syrian Government.These Islamist Hardliner are not fighting for Islam rather using Islam they are fulfilling their political ambitions to go to power.
Shia & Sunni Muslims.: Before the death of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ,there was no Sunni, or Shia division. We have recently for the last 30 yrs seen violence between Shia & Sunni groups initiated in Pakistan .Although I am a Sunni Muslim I feel sorry to say that most of these vioence had been initiated & committed by Sunni hardline group. Only recenly Shia are also seeking revange attack..These Sunni hardline fanatics initialy bombed,Shia Mosque, Shia religious gathering killing thousands of pilgrimage.These are the act of mad person in the name of islam.These may be partly from frustrations as faith in democracy remain weak in Pakistan especialy given the level of corruptions. In Bangladesh if politicians ,administrations remain corrupt ,democracy remain shaky,fighting between the major political parties continues these fanatics can also take the opportunity.
Terrorism is the worst ememy of Religion and Humanity . These terrorist should not have any place in decent human society. In Qur'an ,in the 32 nd verse of its 5th chapter, "whoever killed a human being ,it shall be as if he had killed all mankind and whoever saved the life on one ,it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind" .They have no place in Islam. Terrorist we have seen does not have any religion. They can come from any back ground. We have seen IRA -terrorist attack in UK during 1968 to 1994 ,Zionist terrorism in Palestine .
We know USA school shooting killing lots of School children time to time.Massacre in USA in Nov,2009,Sept 1949,July 2012,March2009,April 2007 July 1984. Norway massacre in july 2011, USA twin tower bombing in sept 2001, July 2005 London Bombing,Bali bombing in Oct 2005, August bombing in Bangladesh.These are all terrorist act they do n't have any religion , race or colour,only one identity,they are Terrorist. Let all of us Condemn strongly any forms of terrorism and help to bring Justice ,Decency,Civility,peace.
Dr Golam Sarwar
Followings are major schools of law: For Sunni Islam : Hanbali/Hanafi/Maliki/Shafi'i
For Shiite School: Ja'fari.
Hanbali School followers: Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Kuwait,Bahrain ,some syria,& Iraq/Afganistan(Taliban)
Hanafi School followers:
Most liberal in Egypt,India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Turkey,Balkan,China,Europe, central Asia.
Malike School followers: North Africa, Tunisia,Libya,Algeria,Morocco.
Shafi'i School followers:Indonesia,Malayasia,Brunei,Yemen, Srilanka,part Syria.
Jafari School followers: Iran
Government Strictly under Sharia Law: Saudi Arabia,(Under Monarch no election & no women representatives), Islamic Republic of Iran(under supreme council of Mullah ,there is democraticaly election process & women representatives in parliament.)
Iran: In the Islamic Republic of Iran the state affair shall be administered as voted by the people, through election of President ,Representatives of Majlis,(National consultative Assembly), Members of the council. Anti-Blasphemy laws in Irans Constitution is punishable by Death sentence.
Saudi Arabia:Monarchy is the system of rule in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia .Its rulers of the country shall be from among the son of the founder king Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman al-Faisal al -Saud and their descendent .This contradicts Qura & Sunnah traditions.
It has Blasphemy law in its constitution , punishable by death sentence.
King & Dictators often behave and are treated as GOD,People are treated less equally,sometimes before whom people had to bow down, that is Un-Islamic.
Holy Quran disapprives of monopolistic control of wealth & Power . In 59:7 it states how to use the wealth that God bestows on the Prophet and then says" This is in order that (wealth
) may not become something that goes round and round among the rich in your midst"
Elections provide a way of avoiding monopolistic control of political power helps in the wider distribution of wealth ,this is the principles of Islam
Islam is official religion & Sharia is the source of law: Kuwait,Bahrain,Yemen, UAE.
Egypt:In Constitution , Article 2 "the principles of Islamic law the main source of legislation,"recently added new rules to strengthnen Islamic Sharia at the same time guranteed practice of 2 religion like Christianity& Judaism.Now Islamic party Muslim brotherhood,& its Islamic ally in power by an election process.They developed over decades by forming charity & support groups that have existed with in the mosque. These charity networks provided support to tens of thousands of poor & lower middle class ,helping like cost of marriage the daughter, assisting cloths books for the poor children,paying for mass 'Haj'.
Islam & Election:
Egyptial Ulema never raised their voice saying that election is Un-Islamic and such Conservative Islamic group Like Salafi Islamic movement, Ikhwan Al- Muslimin have participated in Egyptian parliamentary election, Salafi movement got 2nd position in recent Egyptial parliament election.. In North America Pro-Saudi ISNA& ICNA are run by a regular & general elections.Many mosque & Islamic groups choose its direction by regular elections.
Holy Quran says that the believer affairs are run by Shura(consultation) among them.Election provide a way of conducting Shura in the important matter of choosing Ul-At-AMR.
Most Muslim countries where election helds as a form of changing Government ,smaller Islamist group campaigns for scraping of democracy & election alltogether saying it is "Un-Islamic", ie in Pakistan, Afganistan,Indonesia, Bangladesh. We have seen in recent Pakistan Election very small fanatics group sent suicide Bomber ,indiscriminately killed civilian including Candidate in some instances.This is not Islam, These are not the act of healthy brain or mind. This is power greed,they do that because they know ,they can never go to power via elections.
Turkey:Traditional Islamic law was abolished officialy during Mostafa Kamal Turk rule and replaced by secular law They regarded religion as an anarchronism & closed all religious schools.Now Justice & Development Party ( JDP) an Islamist Party in power with popular support & democratically elected by the people,trying to bring Islamic value.Islamic Scholars & Pandits labelled Turkey a "Moderate Islamist" country .Turkish political frame cannot be entertained under a Sharia Law rather under a Secular law with religious freedom.
Its Blasphemy law in Constitutions section 216 punishable by maximum 3 yrs in jail.
Wheather it pertains to moral ,social ,political issue , most importanly the party expresses its disclosure in line with the attitude expressed by muslimist in balancing state, society& individual choice.It articulates freedom within a liberal state,thus appealing to Muslimist. Muslimism cracks between Islamist & Secularist.For example within the Muslimist frame being veiled or devout no long prevents womenfrom promoting womens right, becoming active in voluntary association, owing business,prefering career over marriage.
There are similaries between Egypt Brotherhood party& Turkish JDP parties,they both initialy formed charity and support network to win the heart & mind of the people.They are both very peaceful Islamic parties and never committed violences. While In Bangladesh Jamaat -e Islami has similars finacial institution and support base but its reputation is very poor as a violent party like there role in past and present especiallyin 1971.Recently Hefazot-E-Islami came to spot , but its support base mostly among Orphan Madrasaha student ,that is run by Charity ,they donot have strong social support base like Egypt Brotherhood or Turkisk JDP.
Pakistan: Pakistans legal system based upon common law of England and Wales.It has Blasphamy laws , punishable with death or life imprisonment for offences like desecrating Holy Quran or derogatory remarks about Holy Prophet, or Caliphs or companions (Sahaabas) in its constitution , section 295 & 298.
Bangladesh: Secular law based upon British Laws.There is no seperate Blesphamy laws in Bangladesh.Altough under section of Bangladesh penal code (1860) ,any person who has a "deliberate" or" malicious "intention of " hurting religious sentiments"is liable to punishment.Recently Hefazot E-Islami organised a mass rally in Dhaka for Blesphamy law ,that ended with unknown number of death by security forces.Few blogger wrote derogatory comments about Islam & Prophet (SAW) ,that is not freedom of speech.Offending & hurting others faith is not freedom of speech, there is a clear boundary that we should not cross.
Malayasia:The constitution of Malaysia provide Secular laws in Criminal & Civil maters , Sharia law apply only in muslims personal maters ie, marriage, inheritance, and apostasy.
Salafi Movement:
Revivalist movement of Islam initiated in Saudi Arabia by Muhammad Ibn-Al Wahhab (1703-1792).
It is a very conservative religious reform movement with in Sunni Islam , Extremely puritanical, strongly reject Suicide Bombing or violence. In Egyptian Parliament Election it got 2nd position after Islamic Brotherhood party.But Salafist in Tunisia, Libya, Syria ,Morocco,Algeria and other Arab countries does not have service infrastructure & business network similar to Muslim Brotherhood or Salafi in Egypt and has 3 broad groups : Non-Violent Salafi,Violent Salafi, Jihadist against Authoritarian regime.In Syria Jihadist even taking arms from Israel to fight fellow Muslims prioritising politics over religion.These Authoritarian regime should have some reforms in political systems to contain uprising long before.
Violence &Terrorism: There is no place of terrorism or violence in any religion. Terrorist does not have any religion . Those who commit terrorist act are psychologicaly or mentaly derailed,they donot have any insight.
We have seen recently in Syria opposition including ,hardline Islamist fighter, Salafi movement getting arms from Isralel and its friends with the strong backing of Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia to fight against it felow Shia Muslims dominated Syrian Government.These Islamist Hardliner are not fighting for Islam rather using Islam they are fulfilling their political ambitions to go to power.
Shia & Sunni Muslims.: Before the death of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ,there was no Sunni, or Shia division. We have recently for the last 30 yrs seen violence between Shia & Sunni groups initiated in Pakistan .Although I am a Sunni Muslim I feel sorry to say that most of these vioence had been initiated & committed by Sunni hardline group. Only recenly Shia are also seeking revange attack..These Sunni hardline fanatics initialy bombed,Shia Mosque, Shia religious gathering killing thousands of pilgrimage.These are the act of mad person in the name of islam.These may be partly from frustrations as faith in democracy remain weak in Pakistan especialy given the level of corruptions. In Bangladesh if politicians ,administrations remain corrupt ,democracy remain shaky,fighting between the major political parties continues these fanatics can also take the opportunity.
Terrorism is the worst ememy of Religion and Humanity . These terrorist should not have any place in decent human society. In Qur'an ,in the 32 nd verse of its 5th chapter, "whoever killed a human being ,it shall be as if he had killed all mankind and whoever saved the life on one ,it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind" .They have no place in Islam. Terrorist we have seen does not have any religion. They can come from any back ground. We have seen IRA -terrorist attack in UK during 1968 to 1994 ,Zionist terrorism in Palestine .
We know USA school shooting killing lots of School children time to time.Massacre in USA in Nov,2009,Sept 1949,July 2012,March2009,April 2007 July 1984. Norway massacre in july 2011, USA twin tower bombing in sept 2001, July 2005 London Bombing,Bali bombing in Oct 2005, August bombing in Bangladesh.These are all terrorist act they do n't have any religion , race or colour,only one identity,they are Terrorist. Let all of us Condemn strongly any forms of terrorism and help to bring Justice ,Decency,Civility,peace.
Dr Golam Sarwar
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