Sunday, 8 July 2018



Dr. Golam Sarwar(

We are passing and living in stage where groups of people love to nude and walk through public places in front of family children. I am pretty sure these NUDE marcher do not have children or family, they do not care about the feelings of family people and people with normal mind and brain.This cannot be so called freedom to disrupt the decency and civility of normality.

We are passing and living in societies where all derogatory sexual behaviour , GAY,LESBIAN,TRANSGENDER are openly and victoriously shouting around the nose of normal human. Gay-Lesbian-transgender are allowed to be foster patent and bringing more children to grow up in unnatural environment, turning the society into an unnatural and abnormal Psychopath.

We are passing time where Politicians are Psychopath , bigotry, openly racist, asking people to buy more guns  or drowning civilian with guns to defend home and school to prevent school shooting ,and allowing these politicians or institution to make psychopathic law to destroy the human norm.

We are passing in a stage where Politicians are separating small children and allowing these small children to be fallen in the hand of Pedophile, that we are seeing in all western CHURCHES, Institution what they did over last 50-60 years.

We are in a societies where  artificial behaviour, Bigotry, Bully the weak and vulnerable is a credit and appreciated and weak committing suicide.

Stop showing all these Rubbish,arrogance,abnormal,psychopath attitude to NORMAL human
Dr.Golam Sawar(

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