Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Under the eye of HINDU-BJP-INDIA muslims are drying out day by day.No justice for MUSLIM-INDIA victims

Under the eye of HINDU-BJP-INDIA muslims are drying out day by day.No justice for MUSLIM-INDIA victims ,HINDU-CRIMINAL protected by Hindu-India- Politician. Hindu-india promoting systematic Genocide, Horror against MUSLIM -INDIA.

Shame on U HINDU- India, Shame on you Hindu for raping , murdering 8 yrs Muslim girls and shame on you all Hindu who organised a big rally in support of the criminal rapist ,who raped and murdered 8 yrs old Muslim girls. Shame on you Hindu india for raping 18 months old girl, Shame on you Hindu-India for gang raping and killing girls. Many of these continuously happening under BJP -HINDU-INDIA.Shame on you for clearing HINDU-fanatics who destroyed Mecca Mosque and many more MOSQUE, Shame on you HINDU -INDIA where judiciary issued 5 years jail sentence for hunting a deer/antelope while freeing HINDU-INDIAN for raping murdering MUSLIM girl one after another.I am not talking about racism but you HINDU-INDIA created and practicing religious prejudice agains MUSLIM-INDIA. We can see humanity conscience has eroded completely from this human planet but had a little hope it may remain a lilittle bit in Ganghi's India . I am very sadden and can shed tears only , we are helpless in this criminal human world.Time is coming people will take law in their own hand as no justice ,our streets are full of dirty, rotten, criminal,thug, bandit, we are no longer able to trust fellow human who are walking beside us. Politicians are responsible for this mess.For a better world all need to chase these Criminals first.These politicians are the real Criminals all over the world.These Criminals are dividing people in the name of religion,race,colour,ethnicity for their political gain. Chase these Criminals around the globe if you want to have better planet and for the sake of Humanity and mankind.We do not need any establishment Politicians as these are the problem for the world peace.

Dr. Golam Sarwar

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