Saturday, 3 March 2018

These so called syrian opposition force , took GUN,ARMS,from ISRAEL,USA SAUDI,TURKEY ,EUROPE fighting own Syrian Army destroyed its own country.ISIS,ALNUSRA etc are operating. These are simply bunch of terrorist destroyed its own country with the help of foreign power.Is there any country on earth likeCHINA,USA,UK will tolerate these type of terrorist who are fighting its own army in own soil with gun from foreign power.NO ONE WILL TOLERATE THIS.These terrorist have no place on earth.They deserve only one path.And by the way we have heard ISIS power so many of them in IRAQ,SYRIA where are they now after liberating IRAQ.Where have they gone, who are protecting these terrorist .ASK YOURSELVE,??bring all these ISIS to public eye, they should not escape rather should face justice for their crimes.

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