Saturday, 11 February 2017

INTOLERANT MUSLIMS ,ISLAM is in trouble because of Saudi version of Islam.Dr.Golam Sarwar.

Golam Sarwar It is true some muslims are intolerant because of Saudi/Wahabi version of their Islam. They identify non-Muslim and Muslims who do not accept their version of Islam as Kafir. They believe if they can kill kafir they will go to heaven. This is systematically funded by Saudi throughout the world Madrasha(islamic teaching schools).This is going over nearly a century since the Saudi kingdom formed. They brainwashed , slowly poisoned even modern educated muslims. Westerned educated muslims took modern education like science,technology for their living but behind that they have religious education that part were brainwashed by Saudi/Wahabi version of Islam .These modern educated  muslims also follow similar toxic ideology,that is isolating Islam further .All bad people use religion , institution,group to unite people under an umbrella to implement their poisonous agenda. It is true to other religion, Politics,Race also.Be human, use conscience,do good thing save humanity.If you are real human you do not have to use religion or institution or Group.Dr. Golam Sarwar(


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