Friday, 5 February 2016

Muslims remain stupid, dumb, dull , violent , terrorist, Killer machine and not contributing in Technology, Science,,Intellectual development,Human psychological or Philosophical development after the arrival of WAHANABISM/SALAFISM/MAUDOODISM, SAUDISM/ISIL/Al-KAEDAISM/ISIL-ISM in the name of wrong fatwa "JIHAD" in their version written in Holy" Quran" DR GOLAM SARWAR (

Muslims remain stupid, dumb, dull , violent , terrorist, Killer machine  and not contributing in Technology, Science,,Intellectual development,Human psychological or Philosophical development after the arrival of WAHANABISM/SALAFISM/MAUDOODISM, SAUDISM/ISIL/Al-KAEDAISM/ISIL-ISM in the name of wrong fatwa "JIHAD" in their version written in Holy" Quran"


Madrassa( SAUDI-PAKISTANI) taking Islam backward,teaching , brainwashing Orphan ,preaching hatred,creating suicide bomber by Psychopath teachers or very clever disgruntled individual funded by SAUDI &other Arabs

Saudi funded Madrassas are Building Suicide Bomb!!!!!!!! mostly in Pakistan & elsewhere.

Madrasa brain washing male ,"you will be awarded 7 whore ,(beautiful ladies in heaven)
Madrassa teaching "do not need to do any other study or jobs other than reading  Q'uran as these are only for this temporary life and will not take to heaven"
Madrassa teaching "to hate non muslims and muslims who study science/Technology as Infidel and brainwash to kill them ,in return will be rewarded to heaven. More you can kill more reward point will be added"
Madrassa teaching "women are only for breeding ,will stay home ,no need to study, no place for them in heaven."etc etc.
Madrassa brain washing orphan"whatever you wish in heaven, juice, food, lady will come to you."

These style of  Madrassa started from Wahaabbi-Salafi-Saudi since 1745AD. Before Muslims Scholars intellectuals ,scientist took the Technology /Science /Islam/ forward.

Systematic destruction of Islam did not begin with AL-Kaeda/ISIL/ISIL  it started from Wahhabi-Salafi movement since 1744 AD.Islam always encourage Social, Intelectual development. Technology, Philosophy, Intellectual development prosper and continued during Islamic history up until Salafi-Wahhabi movement.

Wahhabi movement started in 1744AD  with current SAUDI ancestor King Saud , to  grab power and control , with the help of British-France.Wahaabi movement denounce all social and intellectual development, closed all technological, scientific , intellectual institution and started campaigning banning and closing these knowledge,philosophical, technological development.

Once this  SAUD became the king  with the help of WAHAABI- BRITISH-FRANCE and named current Saudi Arabia in its name, started  with demolishing Jannat-UL Bakii and all Islamic Architectural, Intellectual Institution  one by one.

These Saudi Kingdom encouraging ,funding Madrasha where they teach" These are western education, you do not study there, all Western , are Kafer so kill them will be rewarded to heaven, creating hatred against Muslims who do not follow their Ideology , non-Muslim and other religion".

In Each and every muslim, non-muslim countries these Saudi-Kingdom over the last century funding and laid the breeding ground for hatred, intolerant, and created terrorist,Suicide Bomber.These Ideology all contradict Holy prophet Muhammad PBUH ideology and Islamic principles and teaching  pre 1744AD era.

ISLAM is humiliated, All muslims are humiliated and lost its dignity,Islam & Muslims lost its foothold and strong intellectual,knowledge base philosophical foundation that were built over Prophet Muhammad PBUH time until 1744AD.

It is the responsibility of all Muslim UMMAH and humanity to dismantle these terrorist producing Kingdom and save Humanity and Islam.


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