Monday, 4 January 2016


Dr Golam Sarwar

Saudi/ISIL/Al-Kaeda/Al-Nusra are all same but in different forms of Jihadism,Terrorism in the name of Islam. They are all Beheading people in  public in the name of Sharia who oppose or challenge them.They originated from Wahhabism in 1745 AD are all followers of Wahaabism-Salafism..Before that Wahaabism Islam flourished with science and technology.Dismantle these SAUDI jihadist kingdom for the sake of Humanity and saving Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH 's Islam.


AUDI /Wahaabi Islam: Humiliated entire Muslim Ummah, for it's Fanatics, Jihadist Fatwa, violence for disobedience It's version of Islam  taking Islam more towards DARK ages. SAUDI version of Islam leading  towards unethical, illogic,introverted,discouraging knowledge encouraging more unrealistic ,irrational,undemocratic, forceful imposition .These are all contradicting Prophet's Islam.Muslim Ummah lost it's foothold, it's foundation ,it's pride  because of these terrorist ARABS Kingdoms.

FAKE ISLAM,!FAKE ISLAM!!,FAKE ISLAM!!! Saudi, Wahaabi, Salafist, Arab kingdoms Islam are , fake. Their version are promoting suicide bomber , terrorism, mass killing of innocent, these are  opposite to Prophet Muhammad  PBUH 's Islam. Dismantle these  terrorist kingdom.



Saudi  and other Arab kingdoms are funding to promote Wahaabism,Salafism in Madrasha/ Islamic schools all over the world and convincing them to heaven as rewards for suicide bombing , and mass killing of innocent who does not follow their extreme Salafist Ideology( contradict Holy Prophet PBUH 's  Islam). Stop these and help to save Islam and Humanity.

Saudi Kingdom and other Arabs kingdoms are destroying Islam, Humanity, and civilisation by promoting terrorism,killings,encouraging suicide bomber and brainwashing orphan,youth in Madrasha or Islamic school all over the world to participate in killing mission by convincing them that they will be rewarded Heaven in return for suicide bombing, mass killings of innocent who does not follow their Extreme , salsify,wahaabist version of Islam( contradict Holy Prophet muhammad PBUH"S Islam) . Dismantle these Terrorist kingdom and help to save Islam ,humanity and civilisation.

Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) Islam is not heading to right direction especially when it's holy places Mekkah/Medina are not protected by right people or his followers and occupied by his enemies or Neo-convert.Conspiracy to destroy Islam by introduction of Hardline/Jihadist ideology in Islam by his enemies.

All terrorist groups who are promoting violence , killing ,suicide Bomber, destruction like AL-KAYEDA,ISIS,AL-Nusra are all funded by SAUDIS,ARAB KINGDOMS.9/11 terrorist attack in USA , All  the terrorist were originated from SAUDIS & other  Arab kingdom.Now these terrorist kingdom openly declared to topple BASHAR'S of Syria and funding AL-NUSRA, AL-KAEDA,ISIS.

"SAUDI KINGDOM"  are introducing violent ideology (wahaabism,salafism) in peaceful Islam of Holy Prophet  Muhammad PBUH .These kingdoms are funding,promoting,patronising,spreading terrorist all over the world and destroying and destabilising every countries around the world.

Deep conspiracy, these Saudi are Querish/Zionist decent whose ancestor  were persecuting, tormenting Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH  and his followers during his lifetime.Saudi kingdom was founded with the help of British in  a conspiracy theory and ousting Gov. Ahmed Sharif & Prophet Muhammad PBUH real followers.This  SAUD king a Quyrish & Zionist decent packed with Muhammad Wahaab ( grandfather was zionist)  ,invented Wahhabism and  succeeded in establishing Extreme ideology of Wahhabism(1744 AD) in Islam with the help of western protection in 1932 AD established Saudi Arab(  named after the then tribal leader SAUD).

They have manage to convince illiterate, ordinary people of  their extreme Wahaabist ideology and succeeded to establish these extreme Wahhabism(contradict Holy prophet pbuh Islam) in Islam  by FATWA,time after time in order to systematically destroy Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH Islam , that has given the birth of Extreme , Violent form of Islam we are facing daily.Most of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH heritage, birthplace,mosque destroyed or about to be destroyed near future.

They have destroyed Jannatul Baaki Shrine( > 5000 direct followers and companion of Holy prophet Muhammad PBUH with a FATWA that these are not allowed in Islam even though Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH , erected in his own hand and protected a graveyard with stone  of one of his all time beloved companion Haj Osman RAW .

What ISIS doing by demolishing all heritage, same way these saudi/wahaabi  destroyed and are destroying in the name of their own version of extreme Islam that contradict Holy Prophet Muhammad,PBUH 'S Islam.These ISIS are same as Wahaabist/Salafist and SAUDI. In fact these ISIS are created & funded by them for the same proxy wars for them and its masters.

They are planning to remove Prophet Muhammad PBUH tomb from Al-Nawabi mosque, they have succeeded almost all Banu Hashim's ( Prophet Muhammad PBUH heritage)heritage so far.They are falsely  claiming the protectorate of "KAABA" only for a revenue generation , earning money only. Islam' s Holy place is in the wrong hand.

Few examples of Saudi practice and version of Islam as follows , I leave my readers to judge----

#Prince SAUD (King's Nephew): Murdered gay partner in London Hotel in 2010.--Un-Islamic

# Prince Nayaf Bin Fawaz smuggled 2 tons of cocaine from Colombia to France using diplomatic status and Royal family jet 727. Interior minister Abdul Aziz threatened France to cancel business deal if they were to proceed Investigations.---Un-Islamic.

# 7 Billions Dollars Bribery : Payment made by BAE arms ,UK. Saudi ambassador flew from US and told uk Government to stop investigation.Un-islamic

#Saudi Royal women visits US/UK, Plastic surgeon for Breast implant, Vaginal rejuvenation,liposuction these are against Islam.

#Saudi Royal women does not wear veil ,only covered women are their servant ,trailing behind the Royals, these are Un-Islamic.

#1.5 Millions migrant worker excluded from labor law & force to work 15-20 hours a day and frequently endured force confinement,food deprivation,sexual,physical,psychological abuse.

# Underground culture  of Alcohol, Drugs, Prostitutions run rampant among Saudi Royals.Royal family members turned to Europe,Asia,West to do every un-Islamic or Immoral activities.

#Royal family are immune from prosecution but Sharia( SAUDI-WAHAABI -version) beheading,lashing,applicable to Non-Royal  only.These are un-Islamic.

"The tomb of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) at al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque – could be destroyed and his body removed to an anonymous grave under plans ''

Islam teaches to help Fellow muslims even non-muslims during their hard time. They never helped Gazan,Iraqi,Syrian, Libyan,Yemeni or sufferings of of these people but  in Syria /Lybia/Iraq armed these A-Nusra, FSA,ISIS to topple Government  supplied arms generously that what Israel/west always wanted. readers to judge?.

Saudi action ,bombing & destructions of  Yemeni poor nation to establish a puppet Govt ,is similar to GAZA &IRAQ. Now destroyed these countries one by one.They are bombing  infrastructure  Hospitals, water supply, residential building, nursing homes, power plant same as  Gaza . I leave my reader to ? find link and think wisely????.Muslim ,followers of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH cannot commit these crimes.---readers to judge.

We  want Nuclear free planet because we have seen the effect of it in Hiroshima/Nagashaki. Saudi never questioned and not afraid of Israel Nuclear weapon but they are very vocal about Iran's Nuclear programme.? readers to judge .

A leading Saudi academic put forward the proposal as part of a consultation document, which has been circulated among the supervisors of al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque in the holy city of Medina, where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are laid to rest under the Green Dome, visited by millions of pilgrims and regarded as Islam’s second-holiest site, the UK's Independent newspaper reported on 1/9/2014.

 This is risking the humanity,Islam, civilisation and every conscience individual must wake up to stop these terrorism, criminality in the name of Islam and save Islam and our planet.

These terrorist, Jihadist,suicide bomber are killing innocent indiscriminately in the mosque,schools,public places in Pakistan,Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen,Libya, Bali, Egypt, Syria, Bangladesh,London and other cities around the world.

Truth always encounter opposition.There are millions more who like to hear the truth compare to who get annoyed .Never feel discouraged to speak out the truth,reasonable people will eventually agree with the truth.Then only we will be able to bring Justice ,Decency, civility.We all  conscience need to work together to save Civilisation and dismantle any evil power ,force,or kingdom.

Time has come to Study Holy Prophet Muhammad's  PBUH real ISLAM not the fake Islam of SAUDI-WAHAABI-ZIONIST version. of Islam if you want to get reward from Allah.It is for the benefit of every muslims not to run behind fake,false Islam

Systematic destruction of Islam did not begin with AL-Kaeda/ISIL/ISIL  it started from Wahhabi-Salafi movement since 1744 AD.Islam always encourage Social, Intelectual development. Technology, Philosophy, Intellectual development prosper and continued during Islamic history up until Salafi-Wahhabi movement.

Wahhabi movement started in 1744AD  with current SAUDI ancestor King Saud , to  grab power and control , with the help of British-France.Wahaabi movement denounce all social and intellectual development, closed all technological, scientific , intellectual institution and started campaigning banning and closing these knowledge,philosophical, technological development.

Once this  SAUD became the king  with the help of WAHAABI- BRITISH-FRANCE and named current Saudi Arabia in its name, started  with demolishing Jannat-UL Bakii and all Islamic Architectural, Intellectual Institution  one by one.

These Saudi Kingdom encouraging ,funding Madrasha where they teach" These are western education, you do not study there, all Western , are Kafer so kill them will be rewarded to heaven, creating hatred against Muslims who do not follow their Ideology , non-Muslim and other religion".

In Each and every muslim, non-muslim countries these Saudi-Kingdom over the last century funding and laid the breeding ground for hatred, intolerant, and created terrorist,Suicide Bomber.These Ideology all contradict Holy prophet Muhammad PBUH ideology and Islamic principles and teaching  pre 1744AD era.

ISLAM is humiliated, All muslims are humiliated and lost its dignity,Islam & Muslims lost its foothold and strong intellectual,knowledge base philosophical foundation that were built over Prophet Muhammad PBUH time until 1744AD.

It is the responsibility of all Muslim UMMAH and humanity to dismantle these terrorist producing Kingdom and save Humanity and Islam.


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