Muslims are in real trouble, taking holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH Islam into trouble. Mis-Interpretation of Holy Quran are wide ranging in the Googles , leaflets , books published and spread to Mosque-Madrashas around the world funded by SAUDI.
DR.GOLAM SARWAR. 25/12/2015
Muslims are in real trouble, taking holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH Islam into trouble. Mis-Interpretation of Holy Quran are wide ranging in the Googles, Facebook.Majority muslims cannot read and understand in Arabic Quranic verse so they rely mostly on Googles translation.
Wahaabi-Salafi-Mawdoodi-ISIL-AL KAEDA Saudi version of Islam is dominating any other version.SAUDI has been spending billions of dollars in publishing Wahhabi-Salafi hardline Quranic interpretation of books and distributing in Madrasas-Mosque worldwide .
These are not SAUDI funded madrasa fanatics ,I am surprised about Modern educated of western or non-western origin who believe " Somebody who say prayer are perfect muslims even though , they -1)throw bomb to kill people, 2)commit crimes, 3)harm others 4)deceit or cheat others or involve any unethical, Immoral,criminal activities are better muslim because they say prayers 5times than who believe Allah-Prophet Muhammad, -Quran because they do not say prayer 5 times even though they are honest, help or do good to others rather harm them never involve in any unethical,imoral, or criminal activities.Best muslims marker to them is saying prayers. To these modern educated muslims Non-Muslims are out of heaven and very intolerant in their mind but they are pretender to be opposite.These groups of Muslims are very good pretender and mingled well with non-muslims."
I am talking about these people who are not denying their view as Wahhabi-Isil-Salafi-Saudi-Al kaeda ideology but in reality these are clear view or Quranic Mis-interpretation of Wahhabi-ISIL-SAUDI-MAWDODI -Salafi ideology.These are dangerous trent of Anti-Prophet Muhammad PBUH 'S Islam.
These are the effect of Poisonous -Toxic Wahhabi-Saudi -ISIL-Al Kaeda Mis-interpretation of QURAN time after time over the last 100 years.
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