Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Myanmar Is a Criminal State. It's behaviour with it's neighbours and with it's minorities inside the country are totally unacceptable. These criminal state must be prosecuted. DR GOLAM SARWAR (

Myanmar Is a Criminal State. It's behaviour with  it's neighbours and with it's minorities inside the  country are totally unacceptable. These criminals must be prosecuted.


Myanmar has Crossed all the boundary ,international law and  human decency.Time after time its BGP force acting out of international norm.Latest it has abducted Bangladesh BGB member Mr A Razzak torturing him over 7 days now and posted  tortured, tormented ,half naked , handcuffed photos in Myanmar BGP Facebook .

At one point  Myanmar has given condition , that Bangladesh will have to take  555 Rohingya victims rescued by the Myanmar Navy from the Andaman Sea ,if they want MR.RAZZAK back.

 This is an insult not only for the BGB but for the 16 million people of Bangladesh & World decent population.These acts are out of International law and against Bangladesh National sovereignty.This Criminal State must be held accountable.

Lawsuit ,file a Lawsuit against Myanmar Criminals, BUDDHIST MONK,MILLITARY  JUNTA,POLICE,SECURITY,OTHER Thugs who committed Genocide in Myanmar.Bring them to ICC.

Human Cruelty  by Myanmar, Buddhist Monks,Millitary Junta, Police,Other Criminals . Bring these Thugs ,Criminal to ICC to face justice.


@Chopping Human alive into hundreds of pieces on the Myanmar streets,
@Raping women, Girls , then torturing, and chopping, burning them alive.
@Throwing infant,newborn alive into fire ,etc.etc

There are animal right activist talking against animal cruelty but no human are talking about these human cruelty or stopping these atrocities in Myanmar.

Bring these  Myanmar Criminals , Buddhist Monks, Military Junta,Police, Thugs and other Criminals to ICC to face trial ASAP.

ROHINGYA belongs to a land called Myanmar.Myanmar Criminal Junta, Criminal Buddhist Monk, Criminal Police /Security Systematically committed GENOCIDE,evicted them out of their land/home.Thousands of Rohingyas were killed , raped, burnt  alive to death, including infant /children were thrown to fire alive.slaughtered alive.

Still world /UN watching.World Civil population /UN you do not have to show compassion ,this is their absolute RIGHT to live in their land in Myanmar   ???show your Decency -----
1) Bring them back from water, & Repatriate them in Myanmar with dignity where they belongs to, if not
2) Take them in your land,
3) Bring all these Criminals --Myanmar Military, Police,Security,Authority, BUDDHIST MONKs ,and involved  all criminal Citizen of Myanmar who committed these Genocide to face ICC( International Criminal court)

Myanmar Millitary, Buddish extremist,silent support of all Burmese Opposition politics Systematically committing RAPE,MURDER,Genocide,Ethnic cleansing in this 21st Century in front of ? Civilised world.They are violating all International law, Human rights,humanitarian laws. Muslims are cheap target to be persecuted as these Criminals are immune from prosecution and accountability.

Rohingya were evicted from their homes ,Valuables were looted,their houses were burnt,Children were killed mercilessly ,sometimes thrown into fire, and burnt to death, women  little girls were raped and killed barbarically ,elderly men women were killed mercilessly in the hand of these Buddish Monk,Millitary,police, security.Their land has been confiscated.

Time after time Muslims have been attacked by Monk , Police, Criminal Gang,Security with clear intention to evict them from their Homeland. In one incidence in 1978 ,200000 people took refuge in Bangladesh and still living in Bangladesh.Latest planned cleansing,Murder,Rape,Eviction in 2012 by MONK,MILLITARY,POLICE,SECURITY when >100000 have fled the country and > 140000 have been confined to Squalid camps around Arkans state ,wholly dependent on International humanitarian Assistance.

Burmese Monks with the support of authority continuing  genocide,ethnic cleansing  silently .
World moral compass ,and  Conscience should act decisively to save these populations vanishing silently. We condemn strongly  all forms of violence ,terrorism, genocide,ethnic cleansing .All Conscience should influence politicians and ,Religious leaderships of the world to work together to stop this genocide  and anywhere in the world and  bring  perpetrator to justice.

These MONK,MILLITARY JUNTA, POLICE must face ICC for the crimes they have committed and are committing .One crime is going to bring more crimes.We ,as civil society must take strong stand against these criminal activities and help to ensure Justice.

Dr Golam Sarwar


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