Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Dr Golam Sarwar

Judge people by their action, past. Do not judge people according to Race, Religion, Colour.

If you  Look at the past , present You can have clear vision who committed crimes atrocities and who did not commit any crimes. Point or highlight all the crimes and criminals.Think wisely Who you can trust.If you do that Criminals will be eliminated from this Planet.

It will be hard to trust people who committed crimes and overnight pretending to be a good person.

If you are biased, if you do not open your eye wide you will do mistake again and again.

If you remain quiet and do not raise your voice up, thinking it is not directly affecting you you are doing injustice to yourself as the same thing is coming to affect you and others will remain quiet too .

Always encourage , praise good people and good deeds , other wise society will be full of dirty and criminals.

People makes laws to protect somebody.Make some crimes legal and cover things up.

Always trust your own intelectuals and wise  and  Solve your problems by talking not by fighting and never ask outsider to solve your problems.They will put oil on fire only.

Always try to make friendship and good terms with neighbour, never fight with them , solve problems by negotiation.It is like , HOME-COMMUNITY-COUNTRY-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES then others.

Dr Golam Sarwar

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