Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Gaddafi/ Bashar al Assad ( dictators) . I do not support Dictators but fighting to remove them is not the right way either. DR GOLAM SARWAR (sarwarnnj.blogspot.com)

Gaddafi/ Bashar al Assad ( dictators ). I do not support Dictators but fighting to remove them is not the right way either.

Gaddafi was , a dictator but he united the country. People had jobs, houses,decent livings. look at Libya now,What Libyan got after killing him .The country is in Ruin , total destruction.All these criminals are fighting like insects , parasite ,thugs on the ground with the support & arms from Zionist/US/West/Saudis/the .

Libyan were enthusiatic to remove Gaddafi ,now they got the GIFT of hell. SYRIAN are doing the same, they are going through same path .I am not a supporter of Gaddafi, or Bashar Al Assad .I dislike any dictator. But this is not the way to go. LESSON:Do not fight yourself, do not listen to foreigner, do not divide yourself,do not take arms from outsider to fight inside.


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