Sunday, 12 April 2015

Ummah Muslims , please follow the path of Holly Prophet Muhammad BPUH ,Holy Quran/Hadith and ,do not follow ZIONIST=SAUDI=WAHAABI=ISIL=AL-KAEDA DR GOLAM SARWAR (SARWARNNJ.BLOGSPOT.COM)

Ummah , please follow the path of Holly Prophet Muhammad BPUH ,Holy Quran/Hadith and ,do not follow ZIONIST=SAUDI=WAHAABI=ISIL=AL-KAEDA 


We have been witnessing  what fanatics are doing around the world in the name of ISALAM.We are watching  how Saudi Royal are governing a country under sharia law where ordinary people are under Sharia law but Royal family member are exempted  from this Law. 

Saudi Royal members are involve in Drug addiction and trafficking , Alcohol, Gambling,Murder, Sadism,Homosexual and other perverted sexual behaviour etc but exempted  & immune from Sharia  law,this is not Islam . We have seen how  Saudi  are promoting, patronising , funding , Jihadist, fanatics to commit, Murder atrocities, Suicide bombing , around the world including in 1971 ,in Bangladesh by Maudodi Zamaat.

We are seeing how Saudi itself declares  any Islamist party who do not support SAUDI including a decent non-violent Islamist party(Brotherhood) in Egypt and elsewhere as terrorist organisation and at the same time funding AL-KAEDA/AL-NUSRA /ISIL groups who are committing atrocities ,Terrorism,suicide bombing in Lybia, Syria,Iraq,Yemen,Tunisia,and other countries around the world.

Now openly they are supplying arms to AL-Kaeda in Yemen and maintaining a Proxy war for Israel/West.These Saudi Royal are not Muslims .They are Zionist and they are there to destroy Islam and establish Zionist state. 

We do not want an Islamist party run and funded by Zionist =Saudi  as it will not remain as Islamic state. We strongly  request all followers of these organisation, to follow the Holly Quran and Hadith.You are misguided by wrong preacher /Zionist pretending to be Muslims.

I am requesting you to follow the path of our Holy Prophet Muhammad BPUH do not sacrifice your life for SAUDI=Zionist=Wahaabi =ISIL=AL-KAEDA .

If you commit atrocities/Terrorism obviously Allah will not reward you to heaven that you are thinking.I strongly pray for you, may  Allah reward you  to Heaven if you follow Holly prophet Muhammad BPUH & Holly Quran. Heaven by doing good deeds .We want PEACE,JUSTICE,DECENCY,MORALES,HARMONY that what Holy Quran says.


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