Saturday, 8 November 2014

"Rohingya" are "Bengali"from Bangladesh not 'Rohingya' Reclassification to Extinct,evict out of Burma is clear state Genocide,Ethnic cleansing ,wake up alert Conscience & save the victims. Dr .Golam Sarwar(

"Rohingya" are "Bengali"  from Bangladesh not 'Rohingya' Reclassification to Extinct,evict out of Burma is clear state Genocide,Ethnic cleansing ,wake up  alert Conscience & save the victims.

Dr .Golam Sarwar(

While Global attention focussed on  Gaza,Jerusalem,Ukraine,West Africa -Ebola etc,etc, Burmese/Myanmar Government's  action plan propose segregation of Rohingya Muslims that have been advocated by Buddish' extremist ,mysteriously quiet by all its opposition politics including Ang Sung Su Ki.

Under the new action plan Burmese Junta  are  re-classifying Rohingya Muslims as "BENGALI"  rather than "Rohingya",suggesting that they are immigrant from Bangladesh and leaving option for deportation to Bangladesh.Rohingya came to Myanmar with British and living there for more than 200 years.

Myanmar Military,Buddish Extremist,silent support of all Burmese opposition politics systematically committing genocide,ethnic cleansing in 21st Century are clear violation of International law, Human rights and humanitarian law.World is watching quietly as Muslims are the cheap target as criminals are immune from accountability.

 Rohingya were evicted from their homes,Valuables were looted, their houses were burnt, thousands were killed ,women  including children were taken away raped and later killed ,their land has been confiscated.They have been attacked by Military, Monk,Police/security time after time ,with clear intention to evict them from their homeland.In one incidence in 1978 , 200000 people took refuge in Bangladesh and still living in refuge camp in Bangladesh.
Latest planned cleansing,murder , rape, eviction in 2012  by Military,Monk,police security when >100,000 have fled the country,>140,000 have been confined to squalid camps around Arkans State wholly dependent on International humanitarian Assistance.

All peace loving decent citizen ,alert the Conscience of every human irrespective of Race,Religion, Colour.All those who committed  and still committing crimes  and crimes against humanity should face trial &  ensure justice for the victims.Other wise impunity will encourage Criminals to commit  Crimes again and again.


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