Monday, 23 June 2014

Peter Greste &Journalist x3 jailed 7 yrs by Comic Judges under arm tight extension of Rouge Dictator. Dr Golam Sarwar

All Dictators, Autocrats establish ,appoint and run Rouge Judiciary to hide their Crimes,EGYPT,SAUDI ARABIA,BAHRAIN, ARAB NATIONS ,Myanmur are good examples.

PETER GRESTE  does not deserve this verdict.It is only possible from Comic Judiciary under the guidance of Rogue Dictator for reporting injustice, atrocities committed by Rogue Dictators, Gangs,Fanatics,Thug, Criminals all around the world Deadliest Zones .Dr Golam Sarwar(

Journalist x3 were Jailed for 7,10 yrs by Comic Egyptian Judges under arm tight extension of Rogue Egyptian Dictator, who removed a Elected Government---, People poetesting peacefully--- Were Cracked down violently killing > 900 people in 2 days, + 35 detained killed under police custody,----Then  ordinary people reacted ( Normal reaction of people when oppressed, persecuted,murdered by security apparatus, )--- same Egyptian court declared Ousted Govt, & its part as terrorist Organisation(? does it mean > 53% population who voted for them are terrorist,----Then same Comic Court Confirmed Death Sentences of 529 Muslim Brotherhood members including including its top leaders (24/3/2014),-----& Many more decissions by these Comic Judges---- I will ask my readers to Judge, make comments about this country's judiciary System and Millitary Junta.

Arab  Countries have never seen freedom. Although these countrries had wise past ,but could not flourish Intelectual institution because of these Dictators& their overseas masters. They have no right to say anythings in their societies. These Dictators/ young Generals/ Kings have Foreign masters who are guiding them .They have always  prevented Scholarly culture of the' House of Wisdom' to flourish and never  allowed   Intelectual/Spiritual development of the society to prosper because they know they are no  match for.Their pre-eminence disappeared,their previous dignities vanished.These Dictators powers  are always Gun ,Sticks,Muscles  but no Brain or pen .They only communicate by Guns not by Brain like criminals .

Recently Egyptian has seen some freedom for the first time in their history ,they managed to remove a ruthless dictator(Hosni Mubarrak ) with limited blood loss, but it was only  short lived when a democraticaly elected Government was  removed from power by the same type of young Generals by Guns & Force .I am not  a fan of the Egyptial Brotherhood party but I don't  support anythings  undemocratic ,illegal or violence.Whatever the stated justifications  ,a democraticaly elected Government should never be removed by virtue of Guns/Muscles/forces. Countries Military should never sit with foreign Political leaders,their job is to maintain Countries border and security ,thats what they paid for from ordinary Taxpayer money.

We have seen Egyptian Army  removed elected president  Md. Mursi from power  in June  2013. Naturaly there will be protest.  In August 2013 Security Forces lashed out ruthlessly on unarmed civilians.As per Video footage "buldozer removing dead bodies, cruel beating of female protesters ,removing cloths left blue bra only off an unconscious female,later stomping on her chest". The security forces threw Journalists  Cameras burnt them,stormed field hospital ,threw medicine on the street .Is it Civilisation?.  In August 2013 more than 900 civilian  were killed  in 2x days  according to government figure.? Actual figure will never be known. In another incidence on 18/8/2013 ,35 detainees( Brotherhood supporters) were killed ruthelessly under police custody.When family members went to collect  the dead bodies saw lots of injuries on  bodies and  ,families were asked to sign on papers as a cause of death was tear gas inhalations.Sadly  no one are making any noise of it. Now they declared this democratically (55 percent population voted)elected Govt as terrorist organisation and banned them. What kind of world we are living now.

Young General along with Saudi king said '"These(Brotherhood party) are terrorist ,will be procecuted according to the full force of  law" and they are doing it. These Military ,lethal force undermining and breaking the rules of law  themselves ,destroying democratic institutions time after time and declared themselves as the savior of  the rule of law.Egypt once the centre of ancient civilisation, now remain one of the uncivilised nation among Arab kingdom. Egypt has far too long been treated as a client state  in the geo-political struggle. Its military has done so with impunity. How the world Big power are using the Egyptian Military/Saudi King should ask their moral side of conscience.

These are the extreme forms of human right abuse by the same Military ,may be in the worse form.Cloud is falling  again on Egypt  after strangling the 1 year old Democracy.Recently there are lots of noise and ready to attack the Syrian  Dictator , using Iraq style judgement not by evidence , acusing them using the  chemical weapon, but no noise against Egyptian Dictator who killed >900 civilian in 2 days .I am strongly against any Dictator/Autocrats and  whoever done  these heinous crime should be brought to justice .Any action must be evidence- based other wise  there will be  repition  of same mistake like Iraq if not done purposely .These are all politics,that is destroying our civilisation & harmony.We should voice strongly against any injustice,

With the same tone Saudi King,declared his full support for Egyptian DICTATOR  branding this democraticaly elected government of Mr.Mursi as "Terrorist"'.They are doing this , as they are on the same boat as Young Military Generals are .They want to remain in power not by the mandate of its people & Islam but by  virtue of their " Overseas Master".Literary  meaning of terrorism is whoever terrorising innocent civilian are terrorist.Now anybody defining the terrorism in their own format.Any body branding opponents as terrorist.Even those who are committing terrorist act , branding inocent civilian as terrorist for their own  political or economic gain.

 Peter Greste  & other Journalist have been working  & reporting from the deadliest conflict Zone risking their own life ,bringing some Truth, highlighting injustice / Atrocities committed by the criminals, Gangs, Rogue dictators and its associates . They are helping to correct  Injustice and at least contributing to bring DECENCY,CIVILITY,MORALES,JUSTICE in every corner of our planet . I think they deserve better from all of us .We should voice strongly  to free them and help to continue their work for the  mankind and Condemn all Dictators, Criminals, who are committing atrocities .

Dr Golam Sarwar(

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