Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Corrupt,Lazy money from Kidnapping,Murder, Chadabaji, Shontrashi,Extortion,Tenderbaji,Bribery -Stop it ,work hard for living otherwise you will be Eliminated.Dr. Golam Sarwar

Corrupt /lazy money from Kidnapping/Murder,/Chadabaji/Shontrashi/Extortion/Tenderbaji/Bribery, STOP IT, Work hard for living otherwise you will be eliminated .Dr.Golam Sarwar(

To all Decent Patriotic ,Citizen,Honest Police ,Security RAB, Govt officials, and  Decent Politicians wake up and declare Zero Tolerance for these Criminals "Chadabaj, Shontrashi,Extortionist,Kidnapper,Murderer,Bribery".

To all  Students:Only concentrate on  your Study make positive contribution and stay away from Chadabaji,Shontrashi,Kidnapping,Extortion otherwise You will be eliminated. You have no rights to exist in decent  Society.,with criminal activities.

To all Parents: Correct Your Criminal child ,do not try to protect them, Help to bring up a Child with morales.

  To all Criminals ,Godfather ,Protectors ::-----Desistance  from Chadabaji,Shontrashi,Extortion,Tenderbaji,Kidnapping & ransom by 6 months change your Criminal profession or will be eliminated. 

These are Bacteria/Fungi in our society. Human cannot live along with these bacteria .They are  only few in numbers but their presence can be seen at every street corner of Bangladeshi society.These Criminals have godfather ,these Godfathers have political master and  along with Corrupt Police ,RAB, Judiciary ,Bureaucrats & Govt officials maintain the  4xC  or "Criminal Corrupt Chain of Command " . Money collected from all these criminal activities are distributed to  all these groups accordingly.These Bacteria/Fungi/Parasite taken the whole nation,our Decent peace loving Citizen  captive .Its fear that keeps ordinary Citizen silent.They worry that they will be the next victim, They don't get protection or security from Police/RAB who are suppose to protect them.These cannot go on and on and on!!!!!!!!.

Chadabaj  are at every corner of Bangladesh: These parasites ,bugs (CL,JL,CD,JD,Gangs) are  operating from every street corner forcefully collecting money from Business owners, house owners,land owners ,Builders /owner while building,small foothpath traders ,daily labourers, Trucks, Busses   while passing their self controlled territory.These are Thug, Gangs  Bacteria,Fungus,forcibly collecting Chada(money) well protected by their masters ie ; Politicians, Police/RAB,Government Bureacrats Officials. Anybody failed to comply with  their demands are facing serious consequence. like kidnapping ,murder. It is the law of the Jungle.Stop!!!!!!!.

Extortion/Kidnapping/Shontrashi: Every day mutilated dead bodies of all ages (little children to old) are found floating on the river,by the river bank. in the Bush, inside the water tank, inside the dustbin,on the street, drowned ,or buried under the ground for failing to pay ransom sometimes even after  paid Ransom???.We don't know who will be their next victims. Stop now ,be civil,decent  otherwise  , Decent citizen, Honest RAB /security will eliminate you Criminals Extortionist,Kidnapper,Murderers in near future.

Do we have democracy in Bangladesh: Answer is no!,no!!,no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are all because of Dynasty Dictatorship in our political cultures . We are fighting to establish who is the leaders. Bongobodhu Sheik Muzibur Rahman  & Gen Ziaur Rahman both our great leaders. History will judge their postition accordingly ,not  parties. They are our heroes , national Asset and we should respect and recognise their contribution accordingly.Under no circumstances we should undermine them.

 Politics now has transformed to  very personal showdown and hatred between two  family dynasty  . Lack of democratic principles in  these parties monopolized the entire power between the 2x ladies PM Sheik Hasina & Begam  Khaleda  Zia. Democracy requires not only free ,fair elections  but  also other principles below .ie -----------======---------===-----

1)Law & order
2)fairness for all,
3)Independent Judiciary,
4)leaders accountability to people,
5)press freedom ,none of these exists.

Politicisation,patronisation, nepotism at all levels of state institution by both parties over last 42 yrs has brocken the backbone of democratic principles.

 Universities are facing violence ,Murder & closure all the time. Not only Chatraleague / Juboleague killing its own cadre .CLCD,JL,JD(Jubodal)   take turn by rotation at control of Criminal  Underworld Chadabaji,Shontrashi,Tenderbaji They join politics not to play constructive role rather grab it and hold if by any means. These are easy money ,they are changing their entire life from these criminal money. They donot go to Uni to study rather involve in these Criminal Gangs ,we have seen how Uni students murdered Bishawjit Das. very recently 5XCL student from Dhaka uni/Jogonnath Uni were invoved in Extortion & Ransom.We donot need student politics , we needed them against Btitish,Paki but not now.

Politics are no longer belong to traditional politicians rather it has solely gone to these Criminal Businesman(who earning money from Chadabaji,Sontrashi,Tenderbaji and other illegal , criminal means).They are spending copious amount of these black money to gain nomination, and form a Criminal Chain of Command  and in exchange give their leader free reign and absolute power.

Wake up all we want to live in peace, ========-----------========---------:::::::::::::

1) We want politicians/ Leadership Reject all criminal politicians & Godfather.
2) We want to return home at the end of the day- don't want to be in the hand of kidnappers,                          Extortionist.
3) We don't want to pay any Chada ,Ransom, Bribe but we will pay tax to Govt. that will ensure our             safety & security.
4)  We don't want to see any terrorist Set alight our public buses, burning/killing innocent.
5)   We don't want to see our land grabbled by criminals and forced out .Lets Justice prevails.
6)   We want to see our Police/RAB cooperate  with ordinary people and round out the Criminals
7)    We want to see Justice is served independently and no more cries.

Give these criminals  6 months to change their criminal profession other wise eliminate them , either they will prevail or Decency & Justice will prevails.Dr Golam Sarwar(