Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Corrupt chain of Command has Brocken the Societies faith, trust Dr.Golam Sarwar.

Corrupt,Immoral,Incivil,Criminal Chain of  Command has Brocken societies Trust, in Bangladesh.Lets destroy this.Dr.Golam Sarwar

Incidence at Birdem Hospital , Dhaka, Bangladesh where "A patient died and later on deceased relatives have beaten 3 doctors badly and vandalised  the hospital ".Here 2 points , 1) where is the evidence that patient  died of wrong treatment ,it is too early to say as the investigation process has not been started  yet.2)- deceased relatives have taken law in their own hand and beaten 3 Doctors badly and vandalising the Hospital.This  is not acceptable in a decent ,developed civil societies where law and order are well maintained and where  it has relatively high level of well maintained credibility and people have faith on it.You have to have high level of  credible , fair , reliable process of investigation  so that people can rely on it .

But unfortunately Politicisation of all public institutions , and  widespread manipulation of any decision in favour of particular groups of people , hitting hard of ordinary peoples trust and respect towards its authority that has lost its trusteeship system or the administrative systm as it has failed to serve fairly for the ordinary people .Taking law in their own hand  and behaving like a criminal gang are a reaction from helplessness.. It is also true some Criminal elements also take the opportunity to fulfil their grudge.

 I will give an example in west/ develop countries where fair law and order prevails. This will have fair post mortem report , then issue of negligence or maltreatment of doctors  will be thoroughly investigated by the involved authority. People have100 percent faith in these process.

Unfortunately Doctors calling for  strike or work abstention programme is also very immoral because in this strike  innocent patient are going to suffer mostly. Those powerful people who promoted violence  and destruction either from grudge or from frustration  will use other facilities because they are wealthy and powerful  and will not suffer. Doctors calling for strike is very Immoral.

But in Bangladesh all these process can be falsified by Illegal ,Immoral, Criminal chain of command (Politicians,Muscleman, youth/ Student organisation , Government Office & Bureaucrats, police & Security services , Judiciary),that is formed from top to bottom , sometimes run by parallel powerful Government by Politicians, Muscleman, Student /Youth organisations seen  also during last BNP govt also.That's where people does not have any trust and take law in their own hand from frustrations .We have to break all these corrupt ,Immoral chain of command from top to bottom.

Law and order situation has gone from  bad to worse . Kidnaping , Ransom , murder , Chadabaji ,Extortion,tenderbaji are now becoming daily routine . Recently we have seen almost all  criminal activities have direct link with current Govt . Political ,Immoral,Chains of Command .Few examples----- ,1)Masud Parvez,a Chatraleague  GS Rampura,Dhaka was caught with firearms near Pubali bank  on 13/4/2014, while tugging bag full of 20 lac taka from a Businessman Belal. 2) Chatraleagure openly murdered Bishawjit Das on 11/122012,  3) Juboleague leader Milky was mardered (31/7/2013) by fellow Juboleague leaders "Tareq",'Arif' everybody seen the video footage.4) Chatraleage leader 'Saad' who was protesting along with ordinary student against authority against fee rise was murdered(6/4/14) by other Criminal Chatraleague activist in broad day light.5) 15/11/2012 Keranigonj Juboleague leader was arrested for kidnapping and ransom of a 6 yrs old Parag son of businessman Bimol Chandra for TK 50 lac.6)In Norshindhi Mayor Lokman was murdered by fellow AL group , on 1/11/2011 nothing happened.7) Tawki 14 yrs old boy murdered 6/3/203) by Terror Shamim Osman & gong.8)Journalist Shagor-Runi 12/2/2012).9) BELA -director MS.Rizwana Hasan's Hisband  Md. Abu Bakar Siddique was kidnapped on 16/4/2014 on the way returning from his garments factory,Narayangonj. This just happened while I am about to publish this blog..These are only few example of criminal acts of Immoral &  Corrupt chain of command.

According to police headquarter in Bangladesh 1008 murders were recorded bet 1/1/2013 to 31/3/2013,we should not forget there are unreported missing children /adult for ransom beyond these official figure.Some deadbodies were  found in the river, bush majority gone missing for good.. Not only Chatraleague / Juboleague killing its own cadre .CLCD,JL,JD(Jubodal)take turn by rotation at control of Criminal  Underworld Chadabaji,Shontrashi,Tenderbaji They join politics not to play constructive role rather grab it and hold if by any means.Politics are no longer belong to traditional politicians rather it has solely gone to these Criminal Businesman(who earning money from Chadabaji,Sontrashi,Tenderbaji and other illegan , criminal means).They are spending copious amount of these black money to gain nomination, and form a Criminal Chain of Command  and in exchange give their leader free reign and absolute power.

 These corrupt immoral chain of command destroying the peace morales , harmony of the whole society. Wake up and destroy these immoral,Corrupt,Criminal  chain of command . Dr G Sarwar(

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