It is not only the problem of our leaders ,but also the problem of our every citizen, because as a nation , as a population we like this lie ,we like to hear this wrong thing because we hate opponent .So we want to be misguided.I personally do not like AL/BNP style politics and hate Indecent, Incivil, corrupt, criminal, crooked,unethical,immoral AL, BNP, other party politicians but it does not mean I have to deny our History. It is absolute truth nothing but the truth. History is one like a child born from mother uterus , not father .We can make story , not History. History is unique inherent , no one can change it for good although can manipulate temporarily.Tariq Zia / BNP trying to say baby came from fathers uterus.
I feel ugly , Shame to bring that Arguement again and again as birth of a nation, birth of Freedom movement ,birth of a leader cannot happen & does not happen overnight , alike birth of a baby takes 9 months to get mature in mothers womb. I feel sorry for this country as it's significant number of sons are trying hard to take it towards wrong direction. I think as a nation we may have enough academic & institutional educational success , success in occupation, but this Country's citizen are very poor or lack in Rational & morale psychological thinking , judgmental and spiritual development , that's why we are jealous,denial ,negativistic ,arrogant ,unrealistic, Criminal mind , irrational ,immoral, Incivil,indecent and want to be misguided.If it continues destruction is inevitable.
We are devided deeply that's why our Neighbour(India/Burma and west ) taking advantage of it., exploiting our land our resources,Humiliating our dignity. We Muslims are deeply devided and deviated from Prophet Muhammad SAW's Islam ,that's why West, US, Israel destroying one after another Muslim countries.We study little about Islam thats why wrong Fatwabaz like Wahaabi,Salafist, Maudodi,Allama Shafi coming one after another over the last few centuries preaching wrong Islam. That's why west claim they are the promoter of democracy & fairness in the world but in reality Prophet Muhammad SAW 1st recognised and implemented democratic right and fairness for every human being.Alexander ERA may have given the theory of democracy in 5000 BC but that was only for elite in the society , women & rest of the societies were not part of it.
Only Prophet Muhammad SAW 's Islam has given equal rights to both men & women whereas in
the west women were not allowed to vote until recently.Prophet Muhammad SAW did not select his successor , instead he recommended to elect from his followers by the followers, that was equitable Democracy not like kingship or dictators .In the west including Christianity/Judaism women change her surname with husband as in their custom women is married means is sold to husband along with her property not long ago but that is strongly not recommended in Islam . In the west wife's property will be her husband's property not long ago after marriage but in Prophet Muhammad SAW 's Islam women should keep her own property and keep her surname as her father. In Hinduism women's position even worse than west and Judaism.Even now baby girls are killed after birth,"SATI PRATHA" or custom of burning the widow alive with the body of her husband."
Prophet Muhammad's 1st wife Bibi Khadiza kept running her own Business, and his wife Bibi Aysha
lead the army in the battlefield.Hazrat Omar RA ,Hazrat Osman RA ,never destroyed a church .They
were welcome by the Christian in Egypt,Syria,Jerujamem,Tunisia,Lybia,Morocco and accepted his leadership and Islam and rejected Byzantine(Greek) orthodox Authority because of their Greatness & Generosity not the Fanaticism. Today Fanatics / Killing innocent and fellow Muslims by suicide bomb, destroying Syria, Lybia, Pakistan , and other Muslim countries one after another with the help of money and arms from Israel , US and west . Committing terrorism in western countries killing innocent Civilian,This is not Prophet Muhammad SAW 'S Islam and nothing happened like this during his lifetime or during 4x Caliph 's time.
West now trying to hide their dark past about women and pretending to be promoter of democracy ,human rights, women rights.If you are claiming to be Civil, Decent, You have to acknowledge and highlight that it is The Prophet Muhammad SAW who promoted all these for the first time in human
civilisation.Not highlighting these wrong Islamic Preacher or Fatwabaz to undermine Islam because these are not Islam. These are conspiracy against Holy prophet and his Islam.
.You can also listen a video in Tou tube /googles
from Allamah Shafi 's waz how he is undermining and humiliating Women and Islam. These type of Islamic preacher are coming over the last few century to preach wrong and to humiliate Prophet Muhammad SAW Islam. Dr. G Sarwar(
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