Politicians Inciting violence and involving misguided Youth or students to threw firebombs burning & killing bus load of innocent people, killing innocent by Loggi-Boitha and to involve them in other criminal Political activities are responsible for growing up of a generation with ,lack of ,morales,insight ,Decency,civility & full of Criminal Mind, at the same time victims are suffering from various Psychological trauma including PTSD ,Dr.Golam Sarwar(sarwarnnj.blogspot.com)
Politicians of Bangladesh openly Inciting Violence ,Encouraging ,promoting & patronising Criminal activities & unethical behaviour ,mobilising Muscleman to fight for them" to keep them in power or to go in power" same but worsened trend over the last 42 years .These trend of political culture is responsible for generations of Immoral ,unethical population with lack of insight or empathy .Politicians also stopping to flourish "house of wisdom".Thus the ultimate results are everyday Burning of bus load of innocent people children/women alive. These victims does not have any political affiliation.Ambulance carrying patient were vandalised .Sometimes innocent are beaten or stabbed to death in front of public .These criminal political activities are daily routine in Bangladesh.What is happening now in Bangladesh in the name of politics cannot be called as political activities, these are simply terrorism and criminal activities should be prosecuted . If our politicians forgot what is Political Protest they should looks at Thailand,Egypt, Tunisia where millions of people marched and staged peaceful protest in Major Cities managed to changed the Govt. not like our Criminal poitical activities in Bangladesh ,where they throwing fire bomb secretly and gone hiding. We have to remember everylife irrespective of rich or poor is equaly importnt .Both opposition and Government are responsible for these.State Security Force should act fairly to maintain law & order ensure security of every Citizen .These acts are equivalent to war crime and responsible should be prosecuted accordingly.
These are all because of Dynasty Dictatorship in our political cultures . Politics now has transformed to very personal showdown and hatred between two family dynasty . Lack of democratic principles in these parties monopolized the entire power between the 2x ladies PM Sheik Hasina & Begam Khaleda Zia. Conducting fair election is not the only meaning of democracy .It can change the Govt but other democratic principles are missing from our country ie , Law & order fairness for all, Independent Judiciary, leaders accountability to people,press freedom ,none of these exists.Politicisation,patronisation, nepotism at all levels of state institution by both parties over last 42 yrs has brocken the backbone of democratic principles. Countries economic potential coming mainly from Remittance & Garments export and other wide ranging private Entrepreneur initiatives.Bangladeshi expatriot sent 16.3 Billion US Dollars Jan -Oct 2013 as per Bangladesh Bank. This figure has huge impact on our economic growth but Our Politicians power grabbing destructive ,criminal political activities hindering overall economic growth.
Burning Children,Innocent while travelling by public transport is a daily routine.18 pople severely burnt , one 15 yrs old boy named Nahid & his cousin died on the spot while travelling by bus , on 27/11/2013. His throat,trachea was burnt. No one saw, or identified who threw patrol Bomb.Fire bomb burning people in public transport is a daily routing we all witnessing everyday only few in the media .
We have seen our Politician openly encouraging their activist to come out on the street with home made weapons, Mechetes, Axe,,Rods, Sticks, Loggi -Boitha.Knives.So many killings are ongoing where majority victims are ordinary citizens travelling by Bus to & from work, walking to work,student going to sit for exams while going by rickshaw/tempo or going for tutions , going to buy foods. These ordinary people has nothing to do with politics. These Political Criminals Throwing Cocktails, fire bomb,petrol bomb secretely , gone hiding, police security services could not catch them . Why without any political affiliation so many of these people are being killed & burnt everyday. Our politicians for the last 42 yrs has created an immoral, indecent society for either going to or remain in power.
There are Political protest activities around the world like Millions of people marching & gathering in cities of Egypt,Ukraine, Thailand,Tunisia protesting peacefully not killing innocent people , like children who are travelling by BUS or public transport. In contrast our Disgruntled politicians openly encouraging their activist to come out on the street with home made weapons. These Criminals, political Activist throwing fire bomb secretly. Our politicians have to shoulder for all these killing of innocence because they are inciting openly all these violence.
We have seen how how Iraqi children ARE suffering from US bombing , now insider terrorist Bomb,how Afgan children suffered from US /Allied bomb, now home grown Islamic dirty fanatics suicidal Bomb, Palestine Children living in constant fear of Isralis Bombardment .
PALESTINE CHILDREN: As per Prof Evan Kanter ,University o Washington found 69 % of children showed symptoms of PTSD, 40 % moderate to severe depression, 75 % showed limited ability to cope with their trauma.. These are because of Isralis invation offensive time after time.
IRAQI CHILDREN: 28% Iraqi Children suffering from PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) says Dr. Maliki ( Baghdad child psychiatrist).UNICEF 2003 report says "> 1/2 million in 2003, Iraqi Children are traumatised because of wars " in 2010 that increase to 3 millions .this figure again will be few times now( 2013) while writing this post.These are because of US/ Allied Bombing & imposed war .Now by local suicide bomber.
AFGAN CHILDREN: Dr .Claudia Catani prof of Bielefeld University ,published an Articles in the journal of traumatic stress "More than 50 % Afgan Children are suffering from variety of psychological disturbance including PTSD."
In Bangladesh we don't have any real statistics .We have generations who are involving in these Political crimes are partly because we have generations who are growing up with immoral, lack of empathy ,normalcy ,lack of insight because of Immoral Politicians & their indecent political activities. Politicians with Crminal ,Immoral ,Indecent mind & Brain using, students yougstars to throw Fire Bomb,Cocktils and to involve in destructive activities in the name of so called politics.Other times opponents or neutral youngstars ,students facing injustice, persecuted by these Politicians and their Muscleman .Ordinary children facing these suffering from PTSD.
Medical Reasearch found" Children with PTSD will experience a decrease in the size of brain area important in memory processing and emotion."
We have so many very intelligent people in Bangladesh .We have private initiative infracture to flourish these intelectuals unfortunately they are sidelined by these criminal business politicians.World are watching at us how a potential country's Politicians infighting destroying the country. Sometimes they are Medeling in our internal affairs , that is very shameful for a Nation. We have some decent polticians in all major parties, like Mr. Abdul Hamid,Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, Ms Shirin Sharmin(AL),Mr. A A Noman, Mr Najrul Islam,other( BNP),Dr. B Choudhury,Mr. Partho, From Shushil Somz, Mr Shakhawat Hossain, Mr. Bodiul alam Mozumder,Mr.Asif Nazrul,Dr.Kamal Hossain,Mr.Hfizuddin,Mr.Salimullah Khan,Mr.Amirul islam ,Mr. Shahdin malik,Mr.Bulbul Hasan, Mrs Sultana Kamal, Mr. Iftekharuzzaman Dr.Anisuzzam,Mr.Abed Khan and others who has good track record should come forward and take the leaderships to build a decent political culture.This country has huge economic potentials .Fairly & equitable distribution of wealth can uplift the respect of every citizen of our nation. Grabbing & stealing money by Politicians, Officials, bureaucrats and keeping the rest oppressed does not bring honour for them. People call them a 'Thief '.Respect, honour can only be earn by honesty & integrity , not by force.Some of our politicians already earn the name of ,Thief, Indecent, criminals we all know who are they.
It is the ordinary people & Civil society who can change the political culture of Criminal Political Activities.Doctors, Lawyers, Professors , Journalist, Engineers ,Professionals, Artist ,civil societies, business groups ordinary peoples should not support of these Criminal Politicians blindly rather reject them or promote for new dimensions of political cultures and help to bring Decency,Morales ,Civility and a healthy society.
Dr. Golam Sarwar(sarwarnnj.blogspot.com)
Politicians of Bangladesh openly Inciting Violence ,Encouraging ,promoting & patronising Criminal activities & unethical behaviour ,mobilising Muscleman to fight for them" to keep them in power or to go in power" same but worsened trend over the last 42 years .These trend of political culture is responsible for generations of Immoral ,unethical population with lack of insight or empathy .Politicians also stopping to flourish "house of wisdom".Thus the ultimate results are everyday Burning of bus load of innocent people children/women alive. These victims does not have any political affiliation.Ambulance carrying patient were vandalised .Sometimes innocent are beaten or stabbed to death in front of public .These criminal political activities are daily routine in Bangladesh.What is happening now in Bangladesh in the name of politics cannot be called as political activities, these are simply terrorism and criminal activities should be prosecuted . If our politicians forgot what is Political Protest they should looks at Thailand,Egypt, Tunisia where millions of people marched and staged peaceful protest in Major Cities managed to changed the Govt. not like our Criminal poitical activities in Bangladesh ,where they throwing fire bomb secretly and gone hiding. We have to remember everylife irrespective of rich or poor is equaly importnt .Both opposition and Government are responsible for these.State Security Force should act fairly to maintain law & order ensure security of every Citizen .These acts are equivalent to war crime and responsible should be prosecuted accordingly.
These are all because of Dynasty Dictatorship in our political cultures . Politics now has transformed to very personal showdown and hatred between two family dynasty . Lack of democratic principles in these parties monopolized the entire power between the 2x ladies PM Sheik Hasina & Begam Khaleda Zia. Conducting fair election is not the only meaning of democracy .It can change the Govt but other democratic principles are missing from our country ie , Law & order fairness for all, Independent Judiciary, leaders accountability to people,press freedom ,none of these exists.Politicisation,patronisation, nepotism at all levels of state institution by both parties over last 42 yrs has brocken the backbone of democratic principles. Countries economic potential coming mainly from Remittance & Garments export and other wide ranging private Entrepreneur initiatives.Bangladeshi expatriot sent 16.3 Billion US Dollars Jan -Oct 2013 as per Bangladesh Bank. This figure has huge impact on our economic growth but Our Politicians power grabbing destructive ,criminal political activities hindering overall economic growth.
Burning Children,Innocent while travelling by public transport is a daily routine.18 pople severely burnt , one 15 yrs old boy named Nahid & his cousin died on the spot while travelling by bus , on 27/11/2013. His throat,trachea was burnt. No one saw, or identified who threw patrol Bomb.Fire bomb burning people in public transport is a daily routing we all witnessing everyday only few in the media .
We have seen our Politician openly encouraging their activist to come out on the street with home made weapons, Mechetes, Axe,,Rods, Sticks, Loggi -Boitha.Knives.So many killings are ongoing where majority victims are ordinary citizens travelling by Bus to & from work, walking to work,student going to sit for exams while going by rickshaw/tempo or going for tutions , going to buy foods. These ordinary people has nothing to do with politics. These Political Criminals Throwing Cocktails, fire bomb,petrol bomb secretely , gone hiding, police security services could not catch them . Why without any political affiliation so many of these people are being killed & burnt everyday. Our politicians for the last 42 yrs has created an immoral, indecent society for either going to or remain in power.
There are Political protest activities around the world like Millions of people marching & gathering in cities of Egypt,Ukraine, Thailand,Tunisia protesting peacefully not killing innocent people , like children who are travelling by BUS or public transport. In contrast our Disgruntled politicians openly encouraging their activist to come out on the street with home made weapons. These Criminals, political Activist throwing fire bomb secretly. Our politicians have to shoulder for all these killing of innocence because they are inciting openly all these violence.
We have seen how how Iraqi children ARE suffering from US bombing , now insider terrorist Bomb,how Afgan children suffered from US /Allied bomb, now home grown Islamic dirty fanatics suicidal Bomb, Palestine Children living in constant fear of Isralis Bombardment .
PALESTINE CHILDREN: As per Prof Evan Kanter ,University o Washington found 69 % of children showed symptoms of PTSD, 40 % moderate to severe depression, 75 % showed limited ability to cope with their trauma.. These are because of Isralis invation offensive time after time.
IRAQI CHILDREN: 28% Iraqi Children suffering from PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) says Dr. Maliki ( Baghdad child psychiatrist).UNICEF 2003 report says "> 1/2 million in 2003, Iraqi Children are traumatised because of wars " in 2010 that increase to 3 millions .this figure again will be few times now( 2013) while writing this post.These are because of US/ Allied Bombing & imposed war .Now by local suicide bomber.
AFGAN CHILDREN: Dr .Claudia Catani prof of Bielefeld University ,published an Articles in the journal of traumatic stress "More than 50 % Afgan Children are suffering from variety of psychological disturbance including PTSD."
In Bangladesh we don't have any real statistics .We have generations who are involving in these Political crimes are partly because we have generations who are growing up with immoral, lack of empathy ,normalcy ,lack of insight because of Immoral Politicians & their indecent political activities. Politicians with Crminal ,Immoral ,Indecent mind & Brain using, students yougstars to throw Fire Bomb,Cocktils and to involve in destructive activities in the name of so called politics.Other times opponents or neutral youngstars ,students facing injustice, persecuted by these Politicians and their Muscleman .Ordinary children facing these suffering from PTSD.
Medical Reasearch found" Children with PTSD will experience a decrease in the size of brain area important in memory processing and emotion."
We have so many very intelligent people in Bangladesh .We have private initiative infracture to flourish these intelectuals unfortunately they are sidelined by these criminal business politicians.World are watching at us how a potential country's Politicians infighting destroying the country. Sometimes they are Medeling in our internal affairs , that is very shameful for a Nation. We have some decent polticians in all major parties, like Mr. Abdul Hamid,Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, Ms Shirin Sharmin(AL),Mr. A A Noman, Mr Najrul Islam,other( BNP),Dr. B Choudhury,Mr. Partho, From Shushil Somz, Mr Shakhawat Hossain, Mr. Bodiul alam Mozumder,Mr.Asif Nazrul,Dr.Kamal Hossain,Mr.Hfizuddin,Mr.Salimullah Khan,Mr.Amirul islam ,Mr. Shahdin malik,Mr.Bulbul Hasan, Mrs Sultana Kamal, Mr. Iftekharuzzaman Dr.Anisuzzam,Mr.Abed Khan and others who has good track record should come forward and take the leaderships to build a decent political culture.This country has huge economic potentials .Fairly & equitable distribution of wealth can uplift the respect of every citizen of our nation. Grabbing & stealing money by Politicians, Officials, bureaucrats and keeping the rest oppressed does not bring honour for them. People call them a 'Thief '.Respect, honour can only be earn by honesty & integrity , not by force.Some of our politicians already earn the name of ,Thief, Indecent, criminals we all know who are they.
It is the ordinary people & Civil society who can change the political culture of Criminal Political Activities.Doctors, Lawyers, Professors , Journalist, Engineers ,Professionals, Artist ,civil societies, business groups ordinary peoples should not support of these Criminal Politicians blindly rather reject them or promote for new dimensions of political cultures and help to bring Decency,Morales ,Civility and a healthy society.
Dr. Golam Sarwar(sarwarnnj.blogspot.com)
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